The Move part 2

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"Welcome, Foxe family." Lo' and behold, it's Mr. Jones. "I've been told to escort you to the garden. Please, follow me." Another man appears beside him. "This is butler Matthew. He requests Miss Janie call him Matthew if she needs him." Butler Matthew turns to me and gives a slight bow. He then gestures toward a pair of doors overlooking a beautiful garden. Just outside the garden was a gazebo with a built in bench and table. Sitting on the farther side was that man. He had a tea set and finger foods on the table in front of him. Of course, afternoon tea. What rich person doesn't have afternoon tea? He probably has maids, too. Just as I start thinking that, I notice movement from the next room over.

Oh, come on!

He does have maids. Probably a chef or two, as well.

Pompous, that's all I can think when we sit down for tea. Everything is fancy and sparkly, it's kind of sickening, really. He's still wearing that fancy suit and tie thing, too. Does this man even wear casual clothes, let alone own any? Has he even gone out shopping for himself or does he have somebody else do it for him? I want to throw up and leave. I can't do this. I want to give up already.

"All of your belongings will arrive tomorrow, your clothes are in the room you'll be staying in. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. I won't be here too often, but Matthew will be your caretaker, of sorts" The man tells me. "If you're hungry for something specific, ask the chef or tell Matthew to inform the chef." Of freaking course. Rich people spoil themselves. Disgusting.

"Now for our agreement." My mother says. "We want no contact with her whatsoever after this. We would also like it if you not tell her about the arrangement, as promised." No contact? So they really don't want me? I don't understand.

The man must have known or, at least, noticed something because he replied with, "Of course. Now, if you would please excuse me, I'm very busy at the moment. Matthew, please escort them to the door. Have a nice day, Mr. and Mrs. Foxe." Seemingly annoyed, he got up and walked off with Mr. Jones by his side.

Matthew turned to me and asked, "Would you like to say goodbye to your parents, Miss?" I stood up and followed Matthew to the front door. "Mr and Mrs. Foxe, I assure you, Miss will be in good hands here."

"We don't care." My mother says just as she's dragging my father out the door.

"Miss? Sir, would like to see you in the main living area. Please, follow me." Matthew leads the way to a large area with sofas, a glass of coffee table, and a fire place. Matthew slightly bows and says, "Excuse me, I will take my leave now." Then leaves. I look at the flowers, side tables, and art adorning the walls.

"Is it odd or feel out of place?" The man asks. I just stare back at him, not able to reply with a single word. "It's okay, you don't have to answer, or anything. Please, sit. I have something you must know. Information about your predicament." I carefully sit down on the first sofa, as he sat down opposite me he started talking. "Let's start from the beginning, shall we?"


"Okay, well, I'll begin. A while back, I was in the middle of an important business dinner  when I overheard a couple ranting about how much they wanted to get rid of their daughter. I turned toward the couple and asked why they were talking so badly about their own child, they told me they just never wanted you. Seeing that as an opportunity , I asked them for your age. When they informed me that you had just turned nineteen, I grew anxious. You see, that business dinner was a discussion about marriage coenciding with work. In other words, in order to get better deals or investments, I have to marry. Your parents and I met a few times after that in order to discuss what was to be done and how. They requested that I not share this information with you, but I like honesty in any sort of relationship."

I let my head fall forward.I just can't believe any of this. Why do they hate me so much? I've done nothing wrong. "There's one more thing." Looking up, I wait for him to continue. "They sold you to me for one hundred thousand dollars." I froze. I can't believe this. "I'll escort you to your room." He stood up, reaching his hand out to me. When I reject his hand and stood up, he headed for the stairs.

Thump, thump, thump.

One step after another I was headed to my own personal hell.

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