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Well, I can tell he's not lying.

I let the Marnie matter go. "Good for you, you're a pure man." I said, patting his head.

"I don't know about that. I've had some pretty elaborate thoughts. Mostly to do with you." He winks. At that moment, I run to the bathroom and lock myself inside.

What a pervert.

He laughs and says, "Matthew has they key." Oh, no. "Matthew, would you mind bringing me the bathroom key?" I can hear the taunting in his voice. He's got to be kidding. He can't be serious. The doorknob rattles.

Oh, god.

I grab the knob and hold on tight. I hear something move behind me and whip my head around.

"Secret passage. You know, in case someone's in danger." Moon says with a smile on his face.

"That's disgusting. What -- is that a double-sided mirror, too?" I say, pointing at the bathroom mirror.

"No, but if you'd like, I can change that." Another wink.

Opening the door, I say, "You disgust me."

As I take my leave from the bathroom, Moon grabs my wrist, turns me around, and whispers, "You'll come to like it." He cups my face and plants a light kiss on my forehead. With a slight chuckle, he pulls back and looks at me. "Breakfast is ready."

Before he gets a chance to walk off, I smack the back of his head. "Pig."


Parties here; parties there. Business dinners left and right. For two months, I've dealt with this annoying stuff. I don't know if I can take anymore of this.

"Can I stop attending these things?" I ask Mr. Jones. We're at another one of those business parties that the CEO put together.

"I'm sorry, Miss Janie, but you're required to attend these get-togethers beside Mr. Kim." Mr. Jones replied.

"For every single event?" I'm obviously complaining, but I don't care at this point.

"Yes, Miss. Have you danced with Mr. Kim, yet? His colleagues need to see the both of you together more often. You do very well when it comes to introductions, not so well when it comes to conversation. Please, try to open up more." He sighs heavily before walking off. Something didn't seem right with Mr. Jones, he looked slightly stressed.

I feel a tug at my wrist. "Are you alright? Did your boyfriend leave you? Let's dance." Before I could react, a strange man drags me away by the wrist. Once again, I find myself unable to speak.

Why now?

He forces me onto the dance floor and tightly wraps his arms around me, keeping me from escaping. I squirm and hit him, but nothing works.


I have to find Moon. I frantically look around, searching for any signs of him.

"You won't find him. He's having a splendid time with his one true love." The man whispered in my ear. The feeling of his breath hitting my skin makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Marnie? He's with Marnie?

By the time I realize that, the man starts dragging me off to some unknown place.

Mr. Jones! Where is he? Where did he go? Somebody help!

Struggling to get free of his grasp, I start to panic.

I scream. The man stops and everybody turns toward us. I start hitting his arm even harder than before.

"She's just excited I gave her some beautiful jewelry." The man claims.

"No! Mr. Jones! Please! Help me!" I turn to the makeshift audience and yell out, "I don't know this man! Somebody, please help!"


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