The Date

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Getting out of bed the next morning was no easy task. Opening my eyes, I knew right away Moon still had his arm draped over me. As I was about to smack his arm, I heard people running through the hallway from the other side of the door.

"Where is he?!" I heard one voice yell out.

"We can't find him anywhere!" Another voice replies.

I assume they're in a frenzy looking for the lazy, half-naked idiot beside me, so I do the one thing that comes to mind. In his vulnerable state, I knew I had enough strength for it. I shove him off the bed.


"Ouch! What the hell?" He exclaims.

"They're searching for you."

Knock, knock!

"Miss, it's Matthew. I'm coming in." As the door opens, Moon huddles down beside the bed opposite the door. Matthew slightly grins at me and walks toward Moon. Without suspecting a thing, Moon tries hiding under the bed, but was grabbed by the ankles and dragged out. "Sir, you should really act more appropriately."

"Hello, Matthew. You know better than to bother me while I'm in bed."

"I found you on the floor, sir. Please gather your clothes and leave Miss alone."

"Yeah, yeah." Moon waves Matthew's order off and sighs. He turns to me and says, "Get dressed, we're going out."

Obviously confused, I can't help but ask, "What? Why?"

"Well, today's my day off and I want us to go out."

"Like... a date?"

With a taunting smile on his face, he says, "Obviously not. You're not good enough for such a thing."

"Dick." I glare at him, sending daggers his way.

He points at himself and says, "No, Moon." He laughs, gather his clothes and comes to my side of the bed. "I'm joking. Hurry up." Then he kisses my forehead. "See you later."


Closing the door behind Matthew and himself, he turns to me. "Hurry, my love."

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the door, but it was already closed. I yelled out, "EW!!"


"Okay, Matthew is unhappy with your choice of wardrobe so we're going shopping." Moon states. We're walking along the shopping district of town. People are bustling about left and right. Couples holding hands pass by us.

"Why? I'm prefectly happy with my clothing."

"Well, Matthew is not."

I swear, Matthew is a heap of trouble. Why does he care, anyway?

"He wants to make sure you look your best." Moon says, staring at me.

Can he read minds?

"From your facial expressions alone, I can tell what you're thinking. No, I can't read minds." Laughing, he starts walking towards an expensive looking shop.

"Why can't we just go to more a casual shop? Everything looks expenisve here."

"Matthew specifically said to visit this shop. Would you like to call him and say otherwise?"

"No, thanks." Matthew seemed pretty mad when he found Moon trying to hide in my room. What if he gets more aggressive when people test his patience? I can't even begin to imagine what he'll do. I shiver at the thought.

Searching through the clothes racks, Moon says, "Either you're cold or you were thinking of the repercussions. I'm going with the latter on this one."

My curiosity getting the best of me, I ask, "Has Matthew ever been mad? You know, like he-wants-to-slap-you mad, or something?"

"No, not really. This morning was the first time I've seen him annoyed. Surprising, really." He takes a shirt from a rack and shoves it against my chest. "How about this one?"

The shirt had a lace hem, print collar, and light bling here and there. "No, that's a hot mess."

With a slight laugh he puts the shirt back on the rack. "Okay, you pick the clothes. As of now you need four shirts that could pass off as formal and casual, four skirts, four pairs of jeans, and a lot of accessories."

"What? That's too much."

He smacks my bottom and says, "Hurry up. Go, go, go."

"What? N-"

Another smack. "Now."

I'm going to hurt him.

"No, you're not."

"Ugh, fine."


I spent what felt like forever searching for clothing that would suit Matthew's and Moon's tastes. After leaving the shop, Moon lead me to a quaint little restaurant for lunch.

"You haven't even picked up the menu. Are you hungry?"

Resting my head on the table, I shrugged. I'm too tired to move or even speak, let alone pick up a stupid menu.

"You're not going silent on me again, are you?"


"You're tired, huh?"


"You want to go home?"


Scoff. "Women."

"Excuse you?" I say lifting my head off the table.

"I'm joking, honey." He says with a smile in his eyes.

This bastard. I'm going to smack him -- when I'm not exhausted.

Semingly laughing at me, he gets up. "Come on, we're going home." Holding his hand out to me he says, "We're going to watch movies for the remainder of the day and snuggle on the couch."

I grab his and hand and ask, "You are joking, right?"

Leading me to the exit, he replies with, "Who knows?"

That's when I see the smirk on his perfect face. Oh, no. He's completely serious.

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