Good Boy

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Violet eyes gazed up at the ceiling in boredom, the Korean boy got up and gazed outside the window, it was starting to get a bit late but Keith really didn't want to stay at home any longer. He slipped on his converse and snuck out the window, knowing Shiro would flip if he found out Keith just walked out, Keith looked back before slowing and quietly climbing down the house, being careful he jumped down, stumbling and falling he got up and brushed himself off and started lightly jogging away. He strolled around staring at the stars and clearing his head, enjoying the light breeze in his face and flowing through his jet black hair, he sighed happily and continued walking til he heard light whimpering from a nearby dumpster, curiosity spiking he wondered over to the source of the sound. The whimpering getting louder and louder as he get closer, sounds of rustling are heard as well, Keith moves a few bags out the way with his foot to see one bag moving rapidly and whimpering erupting from it. He gasps and rips open the bag, a husky pup poking its head out, still whimpering and shaking rapidly, Keith slowly reaches for the puppy and gently strokes it, slowly progressing to picking it up "hey buddy, calm down, I'm here, I'll never hurt you" he says and holds the puppy securely in his arms and walks back home.

Sneaking back in he sets the puppy on the floor and slips off his shoes and picking the puppy up again and makes his way to the bathroom and runs the warm water, after he felt the temperature was good he put the puppy in and starts scrubbing him with dawn dish soap he took from downstairs. He smiles as he rinses him and drys him, "now how about a name for you?" He says to the puppy. The puppy wags its tail and looks at him, suddenly realization sinks in, holy crap, how was Keith gonna tell Shiro about the puppy, he shrugs hoping Shiro won't mind the puppy. He picks up the puppy and inspects him for fleas, surprisingly there was none. Must been recently abandoned, Keith gets up with the puppy and walks out of the bathroom and knocks on Shiro's bedroom door hesitantly, "come in" he hears and turns the knob, Keith takes a deep breath and hold the puppy closer to him. He pushes the door open and slowly walks into the room, Shiro sighs "what did you do this time?" he says looking at Keith seriously "nothing I swear, I'm a good kid but..." Keith trailed off and shows Shiro the puppy, Shiro eyes widen "that does not look like nothing to me Keith, what are we going to do with a puppy?" he asks before giving Keith a long lecture about sneaking out and bringing stray animals into the house "I wasn't going to let him die either Shiro" Keith breaks him out of the lecture "I'm gonna keep him, he deserves a home, plus I know what it feels like to be abandon" Keith says and leaves the room, leaving Shiro speechless. Keith walks back into his room and cuddles the puppy "you need a name, hmmm, how about Kosmo?" Keith says to the puppy, earning a tail wag "Kosmo it is" Keith says again while scratching behind his ear, "good boy Kosmo, we're gonna be very close" Keith says as he get comfortable with the puppy and they both drift off together.

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