Chapter 2 // Shadows //

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You have become like all the rest. Just a shadow is the distance, watching me as I case the sun. Laughing is all they do. Now I can't run, and there isn't even a sun. You were different from all the other shadows, you were darker, larger, and much more scary. I'm to scared to come close. I couldn't even touch you. I must be crazy, you were so out of my reach and I miss you, but not that I can get to you, I'm too scared of you. It's almost like your a black hole, so dark. It too scared, I won't go near you. But that's were I lied. Like a black hole I'm being pushing in closer to you. Why can't I stop loving you... you stopped long ago, but hear I am not being able to let go. I grab your hand for a moment, at least I thought. But you were gone before I could touch you.

"Hinata! Are you okay?" I hear. I am put back into reality. I see Nishinoya was the one who spoke.

"Of course I am! I'm just been a bit tired recently." I tell him. Even everything I say is a lie now. I am not okay, I am breaking more and more every minute. I have been tired because I can't ever sleep. We start to practice, in mid jump I see everything become a shadow again. I am able to hit the ball for the most part, but I am still quite weak. I need to get stronger, or maybe, I should just quit...

No! I can't do that! At the moment volleyball is the only thing keeping me alive. The one thing keeping my shadows harder to reach. The only reason the shadows haven't killed me yet. After practice I head home. Even father has noticed I been off.

"Shoyo, your home a bit later the usual. Have you been doing okay?" He asks me.

"I'm okay. I haven't been sleep too well recently though." I tell him.  

"Oh. Try to go to sleep earlier. Dinner is almost ready." He tells me. I'm surprised he is even acting like he cares. Usually I have to make dinner because he is too lazy too.

"I'm not hungry. I already ate a whole lot of food with my teammates." I say. I should stop lying to people. Never mind, I couldn't stand anyone knowing, I'd just be a bother. I walk up to my room and sit on my bed. I really don't want to do anything. When the lights are off things are usually darker, but I don't remember it being this dark. The shadows seem to be surrounding me more then usual. I start singing myself a little melody that my mother used to sing to me when I was really young. Once I am finished I realized someone had walked in, it was Natsu.

"It was just like how mother used to sing it." She says crying. I start hugging her tightly.

"Could you sing it again?" She asks me.

"I'm not really good at singing, but for you, I'll do anything you want." I say and then start singing. I have another reason to stay alive...

Thank you Natsu. 

You are the only shadow I can stand. The only I'm not scared of. The only shadow that can give me a smile at this point. You are the brightest shadow. So bright that you almost aren't one. But you are still to dark to be a light. Everyone is a shadow to me. I hate to say it, but it's one thing I can't lie about. I hope to see the light one day though. But I doubt I will ever.

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