Chapter 8 // Tears //

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Even if I can't cry it's like my tears are always falling. One moment you are there, the next moment, no one is near. It can make you wonder and start to overthink everything. 

Do they love you? 

Do they really care? 

Do they need me?

Did they forget about me?

Was I ever really there? 

A smile hides every tear is shed. When you smile everything is hidden behind this mask. You can cry all day but if you smile it must be tears of joy. 

What made you so happy?

I see you're having a good day?

They ask. Never do they ask if this little boy, who never had anyone by his side to hold him at his hardest moments, if he was okay. Why ask a boy with a smile if something is wrong. It's easiest to smile when sad instead of a million questions of what's wrong. No one really cares until they see your hurt, but once your hurt everything is about you, and I hate being the center of attention.

I then feel my eyes open. I look around the room and see a clock that reads 3AM. I then read the date.  All the tears  start falling down. It was exactly a year ago today that I last saw her face. Mother's face. The face of the person who was always by my side until the day she passed. The only time that I truly felt happy was with her near me. I want to see her again. I need to see her again.

"Mother, when can I meet you again?" I say out loud. I could meet her when ever I wanted. All I had to do was risk my life. It was simple as that, yet so hard at the same time. I'm still not ready to say goodbye. I let the all the thoughts go for now. Right now isn't the right time, but I kinda wish it was. But maybe if Mother is what I need to be happy, then maybe anytime is right, it just doesn't feel right, at least yet.

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