Chapter 6 // Talking for the first time //

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"Kenma is definitely here." Kuroo says.

"How can you tell?" I ask.

"The tapping. Me and Kenma created a code for help because I was always worried about him getting lost or something like that. He has been expecting me. Get on my back and knock 3 times." He says, bending down. When he lifts me up I knock like he said. Suddenly a window opens. There were bars on the window. 

"Kur- Shoyo? Why are you here?" Kenma asks, whispering. 

"Kuroo asked me to come along with him, I don't really know why. But, hello." I tell him, my voice was shaking. It's been 3 months since we talked. I can't stand it. His face looks just the same, but in more pain. Bruises, cuts, so much more then that.

"I'm sorry I hurt you..." He says.

"That doesn't really matter at the moment... We need to get you safe." I say. 

"Kenma~ are you talking to someone? Could I meet them?" I hear a man say.

"It's just an animal! No one is here." Kenma says quickly closing the window.

"Climb down, its police time!" Kuroo says. He grabs his phone a dials them.

"I knew you would be helpful to me!" Kuroo says, after the call. 

"I doubt I was any help! Kenma was heard talking! What if he is sitting there getting more cuts and bruises!" I say. I couldn't of helped. My stupid loud face might have made it so he is not more hurt. What a terrible person I must be to cause someone so much pain. It's almost I can hear his tears from here...

"Please stop crying... his pain will be cured very soon. That's a great thing. Maybe his is getting hurt now, but it will be less because you were able to help." Kuroo says.

"Will my pain be cured soon?" I ask.

"I hope so... but your pain is mental, and it will take a longer then a day to cure mental pain. Sometimes after you get help the pain will just come back." He explains.

"I don't think the world wants me to be happy." I say. 

"Honestly the world couldn't care about us humans, we are wrecking this world. However, the people on the world care more then you could imagine. Me, Kenma, your team, everyone you know, hopes for your happiness. Anyway the police are here. Kenma will be saved." Kuroo says. I see at least 5 policemen walked inside the house, and one walked  to us.

"Hello, thank you for your help to find Kenma. Also,  who are you? How do you know Kenma Kozume?" They asked. 

"Hi. I'm Shoyo Hinata. Me and Kenma were great friends, and we used to be dating. Kuroo asked me to help him." I say.

"Okay, then. Kenma will be safe as soon as we can get him safe." Just then, I hear a gun shot. My body shakes in fear. The sudden shock of the loud noise, it's ringing through my head. I can feel the blood dripping. I'm not the one hurt though. I think I'm hallucinating again.

"Shoyo!" I hear someone scream. I then black out.

Kenma's POV


The police came  barging in. The people who took me grabbed a gun from their pocket. One of them ran. While the other stayed. The police quickly were able to take them, with out anyone getting hurt. I hear a gun shot and just started running towards it. I see Shoyo with the blood dripping down. The police grab the person who shot Shoyo.

Everything happen so fast. It felt like everything happened in only one heart beat. Maybe my heart just stopped for a moment. Will Shoyo be okay?

He is rushed into the ambulance, same as me.

"Let me see Shoyo!" I scream.

"Sorry but, we need to make sure you are okay. The people taking care about of your friend will make sure he is okay." A lady said to me.

"He not my friend... He is my lover... but his is not at the same time."


Helllllllooooo! I hope my updates will be more constant since I'm not too busy for a while. This chapter might not be to well written... nor may many chapters. I tend to get inspiration to write really late... like 1AM-4AM late. I hope you are enjoying anyway! (I don't think enjoying is the right word since this is supposed to be sad, but whatever)

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