Chapter Six: Come with Me

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I stare at Harry, trying to recall him from the pictures that Jobeth had showed me only a short while ago. "Hey," I say, extending my hand for a handshake. "I'm Chloe." He smiles widely and shakes my hand firmly. My friends both introduce themselves to the group of boys and we all take turns shaking one another's hands. It's a bit hard for me to remember all their names because they all look the same to me. Well, except for Niall. He's the only blonde, after all.
"Do you girls mind if I take Chloe away for just a moment?" Harry asks my friends. His voice is incredibly soothing and gentle. I'm surprised it's not hoarse after singing for so long.
"Not at all!" Caris encourages us. Jobeth is too busy gushing about how much she loved the concert to pay any attention to Harry gently pulling me away from the group.
"What's up?" I ask, unsure as to why Harry Styles himself would be taking me away from my friends. "Actually, before you say anything, why did we get pulled backstage?"
His face flushes slightly. Interesting.
"I actually noticed you during the concert. You didn't look that interested and I guess that's what caught my attention. It's kind of easy to notice someone when they clearly either don't know the songs or don't like them and everyone around them is screaming the words," he laughs. "I don't know, I guess something about you just piqued my curiosity and I wanted to meet you."
"Well, now you have," I say briskly. "I should probably get back to my friends, we need to get home..." I turn around and take a step towards the group.
"Wait!" Harry says and grabs my wrist.
"Get off of me!" I say indignantly, yanking my arm out of his reach. "What, you think because you're a celebrity you can just pull me backstage and expect me to fall on my knees and worship you? Well guess what, it's not about to happen. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not whatever you were hoping I would be and you don't get to just take me away from my friends whenever you want. I'm not your manic pixie dream girl, I have a life, and I have friends and I need to get back to them." I take a deep breath and smile. "Thanks for the concert though, I actually enjoyed it." With that, I walk back to my friends.
Caris rubs my shoulder and gives me a soft smile. "Do you want to leave?" She offers quietly.
"Not until you're both ready," I say. "Just because he's a jerk doesn't mean they all are. Besides, I don't want to ruin this for both of you."
She nods and returns to her conversation with Niall and Louis. They're discussing the music industry and she's asking all sorts of questions. Jobeth's off a little ways away talking to Zayn and Liam. She's so serious I almost want to laugh, but I'm too worked up to actually laugh. I look around the room and see a boy staring at me from across the room. He's wearing a muscle tank top and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. He has a bandana wrapped around his wrist and his blonde hair is pointing up in all different directions. I recognize him as a member of the band that opened for One Direction. I'd actually liked their music a lot; I wouldn't have minded if it'd been their concert instead. I liked it enough to lean over and ask Jobeth what the name of their band was but it was hard to hear her. I meant to look them up when I got home though.
He starts walking towards me and I notice how tall he is. He's easily over six foot tall, probably leaning closer to 6'2". I have to look up to make eye contact with him. He gives me a cheeky grin and in his Australian accent, he says "That was quite the show you put on just a moment ago, Miss Chloe. I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings."
"I'd introduce myself, but you clearly already know who I am," I say, folding my arms across my chest. "Your buddy over there wasn't exactly the most welcoming," I say shrugging. "I wasn't about to put up with some man that thinks he can put his hands all over me."
He smirks. "Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of Harry either. I will say, he's not like that though. He's always super respectful of fans and I think he just meant to get your attention, he wasn't trying to touch you weirdly or anything, love."
"Either way. Besides, I'm not a fan. This was the first time I've heard his music. I didn't even know his name until he introduced himself just a moment ago."
He looks pleasantly surprised. "Wow. So you don't know who I am either then, right?"
I shrug. "I mean, I know you're in a band. I didn't even catch the name of your band though, sorry."
"No, don't be. It's honestly refreshing to get to talk to someone who doesn't know anything about me for once," he says softly. His eyes light up after a moment. "Hey listen, there's a party that my mates and I are going to later tonight. It's nothing big and your friends would probably enjoy it too. Totally up to you, but I'd really like it if you came tonight."
I hesitate, thinking of Adam. But then I remember how much we've been fighting recently and I'm suddenly caught by an urge to fight back. I look at Luke and his hopeful smile. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend a little longer with him.
"I'd like that."

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