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Izuku wasn't exactly like your everyday child, he was different, he preferred being on his own than playing with his friends or in this case friend, his childhood friend and the only one that sticks with him.Izuku was sure nothing could break their friendship,though his friend had an explosive personality, he thought nothing more of it cause no matter what his friend was always good to him, even if most times he asked to be alone, he said he wanted to go to library while his friend wanted to go to the playground, or their minor disagreements or the way he easily blended with the crowd and his friend failed to notice him, his ghost like personality, his friend stuck around,  Katsuki Bakugo.

Like I said Izuku wasn't your normal everyday child, he was smarter than an average child his age should be and his mother was very proud, as she took the role of both mother and father due to an absentee father, she always worked hard, gave him the live he deserved and much more, she was a proud mother no matter what and she made sure it showed, Inko Midoriya.

Izuku was unique, he noticed the flaw of most heroes from a very early stage, they became heroes for the fame, the money, to be celebrated, adored, to feel superior, to feel like a saviour, to feel depended on, to have a reason to feel prideful, those 'heros' paid no real attention to the citizens, it was all for show, I mean that literally but that did not stop our young MC from wanting to become a hero, he wanted to become a hero, that served the people, that showed care for the world, be you criminal, vigilante, hero, citizen or animal, he wanted to take on the real criminals that really hurt people, not the ones that are there to make the heros shine, that were just trying to get something  for their family but were  caught and used by heros to take the spotlights. Major attacks never really happened in the day anywhere, they were always just for show unless it's those once in a while times, he didn't want to be someone that likes to take the spotlight and that's how his hatred for attention came along and just stuck.

Not to mention Izuku Midoriya always came out looking like the walking dead, people always looked at him like an alien, that's where he started gaining the skills of fitting in with a crowd so no one could see him long enough or at all to even pay any attention to him, Insomniac. He was born like that, and he had no trouble adjusting to it, he found pleasure in the dark and adding to the fact that he couldn't sleep anyways, it just so made the dark much more interesting.

Did he think his world would ever turn around to change for better or for worst? Nope he liked the world the way it was.

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