Chapter 2

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It's weird you know, how you can tell things are about to go wrong just by the look a person gives you and that's how Izuku felt when he finished looking around the room and at how the doctor looked in his doctor clothes, the look the doctor gave the young child wasn't one a child would like to see, it was one of disgust and to say Izuku didn't like it would be an understatement, he didn't just not like it, he hated it.

"You don't have to come to close Midoriyas" he said with a huge evident tone of disgust again, Izuku was actually starting to wonder why though normally he wouldn't care but no one just randomly said that especially not a doctor that understands or suppose to understand there's such a thing as being an insomniac, I mean I don't think I look too bad, do I?

"Well it seems like your son has a quirk" he breathe in then continued
"As much as his a disgrace to this world and would most likely end up a villain, its my job to tell you of it and I hope you dispose of him Mrs. Midoriya, his quirk name is called necromancy, like his father I presume he has the ability to raise skeleton warriors, travel through shadows, sense death and more related to it but I dare not say such it may give it ideas" The doctor said

Inko didn't know if to feel offended or worried, but instead of just wondering her mouth began moving on it's not to add, she was already irritated by the poor service

"Listen here! You awful godforsaken pig!! I will make sure you are locked up if I have any say in this, first I was given an awful by that bitchy receptionist I can understand why she's there now, your little slut? Not my business but mark my words both of you are going to regret it, now you want to speak so rudely to us because of a quirk, something that we don't control, you know quirk discrimination is a crime, I'll make sure you pay! Let's go Zuzu" Inko said all that in a calm yet deadly voice, it was... Bone chilling to say the least

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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