Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya

It's my fourth birthday I'm so excited I'm getting my quirk today I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited!!! My best friend Kacchan already got his quirk, explosion, it's so cool!! I hope my quirk is as cool as his or I could get a quirk like my mum's it would be cool but I hope it would be stronger.

It's 6:00am right now, I should go wake mummy, it's my birthday and my quirk day, no one could be as happy as I am today.

I ran to my mum's room and started jumping on her bed screaming at the top of my lungs
After like five seconds, five seconds so late.... She woke up,
"Izuku what time is it? Why are you up so early?" She said while stretching, yawning and using a finger to clean her eyes of tiredness

"Mummy it's a special day" I said
She looked stunned for like a second but quickly regained herself but I still noticed, the small details makes it easier to notice things like this "is it really?" Was her response
"Yup!!! It's my quirk day, I'm a big boy now" I declared
With that she laughed a whole hearted laugh that was so light, loving and sweet to the ears, it was melodic
"Yes baby, you're a big boy now and you're going to get a quirk that'll make you the number 1 hero in the wholeee world" by now she was sitting on her bed and may have exaggerated the 'whole' a bit, but I'm still thankful to have a mum like her that supports my dreams even though she's the type of parent to be overly cautious, she puts her fears aside and puts me first I love her so much
"YESSSS" I said with over enthusiasm
"Okay go brush, bath and wear nice clothes so we could eat and go, what's that I smell?" She sniffed me playfully a bit
"Oh it's you! Ewwwww, now go bath baby" we laughed lightly together cause if that then I ran to do what she said and when I was satisfied that I looked sparkly clean and my clothes were okay I ran down to mummy

I worn a light blue t-shirt that said 't-shirt' with my cute ash khakis, and my thread mark red boots, all in all I thought I looked good, so I ran down with a satisfied grin on my face

I went to the kitchen to see me mum carrying the plates to the dinning room, so I decided to take some load off her and help her get the plates there faster, so we won't take much time, while we ate I brought up decisions of what my quirk could possibly be and my mum joined in on it just like me with the same joy and enthusiasm, I can see where I get a lot of things from in my personality.

When we finished eating, we ran to the car, by 'we' I mean 'I' by 'I' I mean 'me', been too young to stay at the front, I ran dutifully to the backseat, and put my belt on, while screaming at my mum to hurry up from the door. I think she's doing it purposely she wants to torture me, and I know she knew what she was doing cause she looked like she was holding in her laugh while, I was giving her that hurt betrayed look. After forever she finally reached the car, and we drove to the hospital.

At the hospital, we went to the receptionist, that was popping her chewing gum quite loudly, and talking on a phone so much more loudly, destroying the peace and quiet of the whole hospital, truthfully speaking she didn't look like she fit in there, she was the only odd thing there, and the other nurses gave her looks like they wanted to murder her, or at the very least put her in a coma, not to mention she was extremely young, I wonder why or how she got the job.

"Excuse me, miss please I booked an appointment with Dr. Tsusaba" my mum said politely trying to talk above the noise the receptionist was making
"Yeah yeah, whatever you're interrupting my phone call, ugh" the 'I have no appropriate words to call her' said to my mum in a high pitch, disgusting voice
"Whatever go to room 116 his there waiting now scram" she continued, one thing was for sure I get the other nurses look now

We found our way to room 116, an all white room which looked liked tests were taken there quite often and in the middle of the room, a tall tan man with brow hair, brown eyes wearing that long coat doctors wear with everything on and an odd pair of goggles on his head.

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