A Warm Welcome

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September 21, 2017

Bronx, NY

It was a great time for football. Evander High vs. Lehman. Giovanni or Gio, is visiting his hometown coming from Florida. His Good friend Ezekiel aka Ziggy is the star Wide Reciever and kick/punt returner for Lehman and after the game Gio and Ziggy are supposed to meet some other friends at Ziggys house to catch up while Gio was gone.

Final play of the game Lehman down 37-31 , 7 seconds remain on the clock, its all up to Ziggy to make a comeback. The Evander kicker booms the ball 7 yards in the endzone. But there's no time to take a knee, the ball was in the air for a full 4 seconds which leaves 3 seconds on the board and there he goes

"Ziggy Rodriguez out to the 18 and just and looks to be down..." a quick pause comes from the commentator on the intercom. "Oh wait!... He's still on his feet! He's out to the 30, the 40, the 50, in Evander territory and only has the punter to beat! He hurdles the punter! He's gone!! TOUCHDOWN!!!! LEHMAN WINS, LEHMAN WINS!"

The crowd goes wild and the audience jump onto the field before they can even kick the extra point, but they eventually do and 38-37 is the final score as Lehman takes the W.

About an hour after the game and everyone has left the field Gio reunites with Ziggy.

"There he is! Cluth Master 3000"

"Aye Gio, What's up man, you're finally here" Gio and Ziggy shakes hands.

"That game was insane man, the announcer said you had 236 yards recieving, you tore that field up!"

"Really? Damn man I didn't even know I had that much."

"Yeah, bro you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me just get my gear off."

"Iight man."

Ziggy drives Gio to his house and meet up with some friends Gio hung out with in High School. After the reunion, Ziggy turns the TV on and the first thing that is on is the News.

"Breaking News: North Korea has invaded the U.S and are killing innocent and has been spotted in the following states: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. We advise you to please stay in your homes, America is now officially under attack."

Everyone in the room freezes and jaws drop. Moments later everyone leaves to their homes and are calling family to see if they're okay. As everyone leaves Gio calls his mom and there's no answer. Gio can't do anything more but sit and wait and make sure Ziggy and his family are safe.

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