A Country's Fate

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The next morning did not arrive with the smell of eggs, bacon, and saturday morning cartoons. Instead, Gio and Ziggy were awoken with sirens, bombs, and gunfire. Many people were outside screaming like a horror movie.

  "Gio get up!" Ziggy exclaimed as he looks out the window.

"Whats the hell? there's an army out there!" Gio yelled as he looks out the same window Ziggy did.

"We need to stay inside, Zig. Keep your parents in the room!"

Ziggy's father over hears the conversation and steps in

"Ezekiel, get in the room with your mom, she's terrified man."

"But Dad..."

"I said get inside Ziggy, Gio you too."

Gio adds his opinion "Why don't we all go in the room."

"No, I'm not risking my wife and you kids to danger, I have a 9mm I'll protect myself with, now you boys listen." Mr. Rodriguez stared into Ziggy's eyes with a scared but demanding look then they embrace and the boys stay in the room with Ziggy's mom.

Ziggy's mom sits up on the bed trying her best to wipe the tears from her face and flinching with every bomb that goes off.

"Mom, it's okay. We are going to be okay I promise."

Ziggy's mom can't even talk as more bombs go off.

A few hours pass by and it's 2:03pm and there are gunshots in the building along with footsteps. Ziggy's house being located on the 4th floor, was eventually about to be raided. The North Koreans started to raid the building either bringing the prisoners outside or, killing the ones who retaliate. Things get quiet in the apartment and soon the door is being pounded from the outside, and eventually the Koreans storm in. 2 shots were fired and the room rumbles as Ziggy's father is wrestling a Korean and using instinct Gio and Ziggy run into the living not using there thoughts they charge directly towards two Koreans. Ziggy trips over the dead Korean , Ziggy's father shot.

Gio tackles the man on top of Ziggy's dad and Ziggy's dad is able to pick his pistol up and shoot the downed solider. The other one was out of arms length to hurt them, so he stood still and tried to back up into the exit of the apartment but Ziggy's Dad shot him to.

As the teens checked the soliders for any clue in whats going on and for ammo, Ziggy realized something

"Wait all these men were shot once and there are no bullet holes in the wall, and when we were in the room I heard two gunshots.." Ziggy immediately turned to his father who was holding his leg

"Dad! Are you okay?" Ziggy was panicking as his father tries to calm him

"Son, I'm fine. The bullet went straight through, I don't have to worry about getting it out."

  With no way of getting to a hospital with the condition outside. They were forced to banage his wound with cloth and used peroxide to clean the wound and bandage it up.

"It ain't over..." Gio said. "Those three soliders weren't the only ones who entered the building, and plus there's an army out there." The sound of footsteps got louder and louder, as the survivors prepare for the worst.

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