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Yeosang went to the shop as promised and waited for Seonghwa to close his shop, before getting dragged by hand by the excited older. Seonghwa knew how he couldn't help Yeosang by giving advice only, and the reason behind this hang out was to hopefully help Yeosang change his mind. He saw potential in the younger though he wasn't a music expert. Besides, shouldn't everyone live their lives the way they wanted instead of the way they're made to live? Afterall, we are the writers for our own lives as the protagonists.

Yeosang was dragged to an unknown but beautiful place he never knew existed in this neighbourhood. It was like a fictional romantic garden coming through. He then was told by Seonghwa that the garden was decorated by him, as a small hobby. Yeosang then slowly got to know the older better, about how his mother was the reason he loved flowers. "It brings smiles to her face whenever she sees gorgeous flowers. So, I thought about growing a full land of flowers, so that she could go there and be happy all the time. But, God had even more beautiful flowers for her,"

"Maybe that's why it makes me happy being a florist in a small flower shop, in a small neighbourhood. Even though this neighbourhood seems to be less lively, the people here enjoy the flowers. I want to think of the flowers as some sort of color finally being painted in their black and white lives. What would our lives be if it wasn't for the flowers? Yikes, just thinking about living in a colorless life scares me!"

His last words made Yeosang think. Would his life be colorless if he isn't able touches of his own color? He had only stepped into adulthood not long ago but never enjoyed his past years as he thought he would when he was little. He wanted to sing the songs he writes, the songs he puts his thoughts into, the songs he uses to express his feelings when he couldn't find the suitable words to use. He was torned apart between making himself happy and forcing himself to have the idea of him being happy because someone else is happy.

"I guess you could say the same for singing, Yeosang," Seonghwa said again. "People apply their colors in their lives using their own ways, and your way is just by using your own gorgeous voice."

Yeosang was at a loss for words. Someone he had known in less than 5 hours, knew more about him than himself. Seonghwa arranged his messy thoughts so perfectly. "You're right, Seonghwa," he found himself hesitating to open up more to the other, but immediately he pushed away the hesitation knowing that Seonghwa was by far the only person that could understand him.

"I love music, and the meaning behind the songs I make are the reason why I love them. But, I'm torn between chasing my own dreams and living up to my parents'. It makes me think whether I would be happy as well if my parents are happy, even when it means I won't be doing the only thing I love doing." He finally said it.

"There's nothing in this world that won't be successful if we don't put our heart and soul in doing them. If you know you can give your everything in using your passion as your unforgettable success, then I'm sure that enough can make your parents proud. You can get on the stage doing what you love, as well as making your parents happy. It'll be a win for both sides, don't you think?" Seonghwa replied as he looked towards the younger with the eyes that somehow made the younger feel some sort of comfort he had never felt before.

"Hey! I'm sorry we're late," The two moved their eyes to a voice that was coming from the side. "San decided to take 10 minutes of saying hi to every single one of the puppies we found in someone's yard." Yeosang watches the owner of the voice laughing in disbelief upon hearing his own words. He seemed shorter than Seonghwa but almost the same height as him.

"I told you we shouldn't walk there!" A different voice was spoken out by someone taller but seemed the most mature than everyone else in the group.

dear cherry blossoms ; seongsang Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora