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Days passed after the day, but Yeosang didn't receive any calls from Seonghwa. He also went to his flower shop multiple times with his guitar on the back and a box of cookies on his hands, but it was always closed. That was the moment he wished he knew Seonghwa's house, so that he could go and check up on him, perhaps take care of him as well. Still, he never missed a day to walk down to his shop, to the point where he would softly pray in his heart every night that he could meet Seonghwa the next day.

One night, he received an email reply from KQ, saying that he was accepted, along with other compliments and a short address for his meetup. The first thought that came into his mind was Seonghwa. Oh how he wanted to push away his excitement and sleep immediately, waking up the next day and hopefully able to tell Seonghwa about this good news. He prayed harder for God to be on his side this one time. But his excitement still got his legs kicking, making him get up and run down the flower shop.

The lights of the flower shop were turned on, immediately causing Yeosang to run faster to meet the boy he missed so much. But the one standing in the shop wasn't Seonghwa. "Who are you?" asked Yeosang.

"I'm the florist's aunt. Don't worry, I'll be gone soon, just taking his stuff home," said the lady in reply. "May I know who you are?"

"I'm Yeosang, the florist's friend. But why are you taking his stuff home? Where is he?"

"Oh, Yeosang. Seonghwa kept saying that he wishes to see you." Yeosang could hear the lady's voice cracking as she slowly finished her sentence. It took Yeosang awhile to see how swollen the lady's eyes were as well. 'This couldn't be...'

"Please tell me where he is. I want to see him too." His voice was in denial of the thoughts he was having, forcing himself to think positively. "I guess it could brighten him up too. Do you mind being a dear and taking care of him for me for the night in the hospital?"

He asked the lady about the reason Seonghwa was in the hospital, and finally just to know that he had been carrying a disease for almost a year. He felt as though his heart broke into pieces to know that the older had been hiding his pain behind countless smiles. Part of him wanted to curse Seonghwa for not telling him, but another part of him blamed himself for not able to see it despite the amount of time he spent with Seonghwa. He got the location of Seonghwa's bed before thanking the lady and rushing to the hospital.

Walking down the hall in fast footsteps before finally reaching Seonghwa's room. The view of the boy laying sickly while watching the moon that was hanging so brightly outside the big clear window, with Fly Me To The Moon softly played from a small radio at the side of the bed.

Yeosang walked a few steps toward the bed before calling out to the older in a faint voice. "Oh, Tiny Artist. You're here."

"Why must I hear about your disease from your aunt but not from you personally? Why..." Yeosang felt his chest getting tighter. He was going to lose someone important to him again. "You should have told me! I would have found a way to get you healed! How can you be so selfish?" His tears started rolling down his cheeks. He couldn't find himself moving to the older's side, until Seonghwa softly asked him to come closer to him.

"I never wanted to live any seconds with you while there is a sad memory playing at the back. You're the reason I get to feel so alive, despite being deeply ill." Yeosang dropped to his knees at the side of bed while holding Seonghwa's hands tightly. He was afraid to let him go. He was not ready to lose him.

"You helped me, Yeosang. I was so sick of living in sadness, then you came in my life and helped me live my last moments to the fullest. Stop crying." It hurt Yeosang even more upon hearing how weak Seonghwa's voice had gotten. Yeosang's tears were still flowing down. "Stop crying, please. I made my aunt bring Winter Heath before, knowing that one day you would come and visit me. Now that you're here, you shouldn't let the tears block your eyes from seeing its beauty."

Yeosang lifted up his head to see Seonghwa putting a bouquet of Winter Heath he took from the other side of the bed, onto Yeosang's palms. "I remembered the first day we met, this is the flower that caught your attention. This is the flower that allowed me to hear your beautiful voice, the voice I am so deeply in love with." Seonghwa gently lifted up Yeosang's face and wiped away his tears. "They are all beautiful memories. I hope you enjoy them, just like me. I love you, Yeosang. I love you, my dearest Tiny Artist."

The younger grew a sad smile upon hearing Seonghwa's words. "I love you too. I love you so much, Seonghwa." Saying these three words hurt as though arrows were piercing into his heart. This could probably be the last time he could say them into Seonghwa's ears. Life was too short for Seonghwa, though both of them wished to live in each other's arms until they grow 80 years old. Beautiful dreams, sadly, will forever remain as beautiful dreams for Yeosang.

"Can you sing for me, dear? I want to hear your voice." Seonghwa said softly, eyes not leaving the other's as his hand caressed Yeosang's wet cheeks. Yeosang sang to One More Day, but was stopped by Seonghwa. "Such a beautiful voice but why sing a sad song?" Seonghwa said, before smiling softly. "Can I say something before you sing?" and received a soft hum as a sign of agreement from the younger.

"I will never leave you. Though I will be gone, I will always stay by your side. I will be the angel who watches over you, the angel who makes sure the flowers around you are always cheering for you. You are my forever, Yeosang. I mean it."

Yeosang felt his heart ache again, standing to sit on the side on the bed to bring Seonghwa into his arms. Finally he was able to embrace the boy he loved with all his heart. "So are you, Seonghwa."

Still having the older in his arms, he hummed to the song he had been keeping from Seonghwa.

On this beautiful day, under the tree,
My heart beats so fast, how do I say this to you?
I step forward with a flower in my hand,
Making my move in calling you mine.

Thank you for being the sparkling stars on my dark sky,
Thank you for being the sun to my sorrow flowers.
Allow me to wrap you in my arms and kiss you as the sun rises,
Be mine till the end, until we grow a land of colors.

Beep... beep...

Please help! Anyone!

The patient isn't breathing!

Hurry! We don't have much time to lose!

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