Chapter 1

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Jeremy's pov-

I sat in my room and sighed. I heard my dad downstairs yelling at the t.v. I heard a glass bottle break, and someone throwing a plastic can across the room. I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and a tired face. My hair was messed and curly. I looked down at the sink to see blood stains in the white marble sink. I grabbed a small piece of glass from a beer bottle my dad hurled at me yesterday. I held out my wrist revaling my cuts on my wrist. I closed my eyes and made another cut.I gripped the razor and blood dripped from my wrist.

"O-one for being s-stupid, and t-the other for y-your moms death..." I mumbled making two more cuts.

I dropped the razor and wrapped up my bleeding wrist with toilet paper. I gritted my teeth and put on a long sleve shirt as my pajama shirt. I wore my boxers (this is the closest to 'smut' as youll get *laughs*) and layed my head on my pillow. I looked at a picture of my mom on my bed stand, and a tear rolled off my cheek. I choked up and layed the other way to sleep.

-the next morning-

My eyes sprung ooen as my alarm went off. I hurried to shut it off so my dad wouldnt wake up. I layed down and looked at the white ceiling.

"Why do I even have an alarm clock if my dad cant even afford me to go to school.." I questioned.

I tiptoed downstairs from my room to the kitchen with my backpack. My dad was passed out on the couch. Such a lazy slob. I grabbed his wallet and took out a hundred dollars out of it and put it in my bag. I grabbed a news paper with a job opening on it and some granola bars. I put on shoes and a jacket. I opened the door and looked outside.

"See ya later, bastard..." I whispered running outside closing the door.

I ran outside fast, jumping over the small gate. I looked around and grabbed my grey bike. I rode away down the street. My hair blowing in the wind. A frown on my face turned into a slight smile. I didn't look back at my house. I felt proud that I escaped my dad...

Finally, after 4 years...

Im free.

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