Satsuki Uchiha!

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"Hey Satsuki get up!" Sarada yelled.

"Tck." Is all I replied getting up. Then I noticed the time. "UM GOTTA GO !" I ran out of the house luckily in time because I saw Boruto and Shikadai. We started to jump and parkour ourselves through the village earning looks from the others and "ou's and ah's"

"Hey Boruto wait up!" I yelled finally catching up to him.

"Is it that bad?" Shikadai looked at him.

"Yes, its bad really bad!" The blonde boy said still running.

"Ugh your running to fast Boruto!" I yelled

"Gotta keep up."


Back at the Hokage office

"What kept you so long, Lord Hokage? There's hardly any time left." He said opening the door.

"Its tomorrow huh." Naruto said waiting for Shikamaru to open the door.

"Please hurry," He said walking in the room "or your not going to get things done in time for the entrance ceremony ."

A stack of papers fall "Guess I'll be here all night again." He said a little disappointed.

Back to Shikadai, Satsuki and Boruto

Satsuki's pov

They were all sitting on a train. Boruto sighs "I made it just in time the limited green chili Hamburger!" The Uzamaki exclaimed while holding it up. "Who would of thought today was the last day." He added on.

"Why do we have to keep you company?" Shikadai groans with his head down.

"You guys aren't gonna eat it?" Boruto looked at us.

"Of course we are." I said looking at my burger. We all took a bite at the same time at first it tasted good like a normal hamburger but then the spice kicked in.

"SPICY!" We all yelled.

"What is this stuff?" Shikadai looked at Boruto.

"I don't believe this you're impossible." I mumbled and took a sip from my drink.

"But man this train is so convenient." Boruto looked at the view "I dont even have to walk now that we got this." Boruto added on.

"The hidden leaf is getting more and more modern." I said looking at my best friends. "But we still have to attend that old-fashioned Ninja Academy starting tomorrow." Shikadai adds on.

Boruto spits his burger out. "Oh thats tomorrow?!?!" Boruto looks surprised.

"There's a lot of stuff to get ready. Don't you know that?" The Nara side eyes him.

"Oh..."Boruto replies.

"Didn't your dad tell you?" I glanced at him.

"Sort of.." He mumbles with his straw in his mouth.

"Boruto, don't go doing stuff to embarrass your dad, okay?" Shikadai says in a cold voice. "Cuz it's probably gonna reflect on Satsuki and I." I nodded

"What?" Boruto looks at us.

"Your mom always tells us to watch out for you." I shove the burger in his mouth.

"My mom does?" He says with wide eyes.

"Well, you see it's like this train." I tell him.

Shikadai sees where i'm going with this and he gets up "As long as it stays on the tracks, it'll get to its destination easily." The nara finishes my sentence.

Uchiha twin sister boruto x reader Boruto : Naruto next generationsWhere stories live. Discover now