The Hokage's Son!

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The Academy

"All right, so this is gonna be the stage where I make my mark." Boruto smirks.

"Are you an Idiot? You two were just suspended for two weeks. It was bad enough with everyone gossiping about the both of you. Show some restraint." Shika tells us.

I just walk past and pats his shoulder . "What's done is done. We can't worry about that." I tell the pineapple boy. I start walking.

"Hey wait up Satsuki!" The boys yell and follow me.

"So, he didn't drop out." A yellow haired boy said from looking out the window.

We all walk into the classroom and everybody stops talking as soon as I say. "hey guys." I wave.

"I'm Boruto Uzamaki and this is Satsuki Uchiha." Boruto introduces us. Once everyone heard my name they started to whisper.

"Nice to meet you all." I say

Shikadai walks past us and says. "I told both of you to restrain yourself."

"Hey, Denki. Where's my desk?" Boruto points to himself and asks Denki.

"You can sit anywhere." Denki replies.

"Is that how it works? Hi? HI?" Boruto says walking up to his desk and I just follow sitting in between Boruto and Denki.

Boruto puts his head down. "My mom's finally gonna ease up on me." Boruto says.

"Your mom?" Denki says confused.

"I had to study at home for the whole two weeks." Boruto says.

"At least you don't have a sibling that's in the same class as you that brings homework home for you." I tell him with my hands behind my head.

Students start whispering about Satsuki and Boruto.

"How come he wasn't punished after doing something like that?"

"A Uchiha was apart of it I don't believe it."

"That wasn't just a prank."

"She can't be a real Uchiha if she got in trouble with a kid like that."

"If it had plunged into town it would of been a disaster."

"We'd all be dead by now."

"Shh! They can hear you."

I look up and try to block the whispers out until I heard one that made both Boruto and I blush madly.

"Why is she sitting down there with boys? Is the Uzumaki boy her Boyfriend or something?"

I put my head down and Boruto slouches into his seat.

"Don't pay attention to them." The lazy Nara says with his hands crossed.

"I'm not. They can say whatever they want." Boruto looks at Shikadai with his hand behind his head.

"Well, okay then." Shika says.

"Oi, I forgot my textbook!" Boruto says.

"This is our first day!"

"Share your book with me Shikadai." Boruto tries to get the book from Shikadai.

"What a drag. No way..."Shikadai Says trying to pry Boruto's hand off the book.

"C'mon, don't say that!" Boruto goes back and forth with Shikadai.

"That Boruto sure stands out." The purple haired girl says to Chocho and Sarada.

"Really?  Aren't people paying attention to him only because of that stunt he pulled, plus he got a Uchiha involved." Chocho files her nails down while asking.

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