Chapter 5

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AUTHORS NOTE: QUINTON PLEASE GET BACK WITH ME!!! iM soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry i made you gay and dating Raffle! i cant brake u guys up for the plot tho!!! PLS GET BACK WITH ME!!! DIS IS THE BEST PLOT IVE EVER MADE! PLSSS!!! IM SO SO SO SOSoSOSOSOS SO SO SOS O SO OSOSOS SORRY!!!! IM ALSO SORRY FOR SAYING DAT FINN IS HOT AND FLURTING ON HIM IN ENGLISH CLASS IN JUNE I CANT BELEIVE HE TOLD U~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!! MATH CLASS WLL BE SOOOOOOO LONELY WITH OUT YOU HELPING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I CANT HANDLE BEING SLINGE AND HAVE BAD GRADE! WHEN WE GET ONLINE SCHOOL IS SEPTEMBER! PLS GET BACK WITH ME OR ELSE YOU WILL NEVER BE A GOOD A CARACHTER IN THE STORY!!!

k thx ignore this massage is you r not my EX BF QUINTEN

Grahams pov again

the fist night of da 1st day was exillrerating. everone was shouting and having fun, including me.

'we should go to bed its 11 already' said quintn. "Quiten you are such a annoyingr person. Were over." reaffle said

"yay!" quinten sayed. hes such a baby. "lol jk." raffle said again. "hah i was jokin too"quint sayd. (AN: Quint u r so dumb)

landy and i were siting next to each other on the floor. QUINTen and raffel said "make out" (AN: IDC WHAT YOU SAY QUITEN THIS IS THE PLOT OF THE BOOK>) i laughed/ "im strep. but that wold be funny thou." landy raised his eyebrows at me again. what does it mean? is he gay??? im not gay but ladnon was the hotest person here (AN: expescially compared to quint.) wait...  do i have a cursh on landon?!?!?!?

"i gtg pee." said i, and i went to the bathrooms outside. i looked in the mirror and said, "im not gay. but ladnon is hot. Im not gay in not gay in not gay"

" ihop not." said someone. it was QUINTEN!!! (AN: i now this is getting alot about quiten and not about the ship im sorry this will be back on track soon.) "what??did you follow me here?"

"graham are you crushin on landon?"



"fine i am. but if u tell landon i will lie and tell Raffel that you are cheating on him with a GIRL>"

'WEell, i do want to break up with him..."

"WAIT WHAT??!!" I screamed

" im not gay i am faking it"


:yeah those guys that glred at us are homophobic. i am friends with hem."

"oh my god' i ran out tears in my eyes. i couldn't believe it i felt so bad for raffel and now QUINTEN WAS GONNA TELL LANDON THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THAT I LIKED HIM LIKE THE BUTT HE IS. i ran to the cabin to warm landon and raffael , but it was too late, quinten already told.

(AN: quinten it is tool ate the chapter was done in oneday. hAHAHAHHH i dont need you! im dying my hair red and SHORT and getting ANOTHER BF (AKA FINN THE HOTTIE)

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