chapter seven

176 3 14

AN: Izzy u better edit this one!!!

landons pov

i woke up on day 2 (or 3 idk), and we plaid catcher the flag! It was really fun but something bad happened...

blake said, "hey graham landon told everyone that he thinks your hot!" I said, "hey that was a secret! graham wasnt in da room!!"

bloke laughed. "omg i feel bad for i egraham. everyones crushing on him cus hes hot." blarke was write. graham WAS hot. his hair draped over his hair beutifully, and his eyes were also brown like chockolate. also he was just attractive in general like me who had red hair like a balloon and purpley eyes. i also wore a mint and magenta-that looked like purple but wasnt if u looked closely- shirt witn mint stripes. it was neon

graham was ovbiously embarrassed.  i kinda felt bad but i was destracted by the hotness. "wait waht??"

"oh nvm" blacke said.

"sorry guys i gtg im just nervous." graham said.

"ok." i said.

"ok" bleek also said.

fgrammy left to do whatever.

WE finnished the game of captcher the flag and then were going to go to lunch when some kids went up to us and glared. i was so confused!!

He said, "hi, I'm Anthuny" (AN: i was originaly gonna call him Aiden after da kid in my math class that seeemed like a BITCH when he called my (ex) bf the f word (f*ck) but know i understand that Aiden was right. my ex IS f*ck. so his name is Anthuny becus its a annoying name (sorry to da people named anthuny)

I was confused because they glared at us and then said hi?? who does that?!?!?

His friend introdused him, "hi, im Sean." Shean said. 

hi Shean and anthuny." blane and i said together. why do you glare at us so much??"

"hmm. no reason." said them together. I was so confused!!!

They walkd away. I was still so confued!!!

When they were runing away, I noticed that they were wrispering something to eachother and then ran off. What where they whispering??

AN: CLIFFHANGER WOAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also izzy u better edit this one! my mom let me have my phone back because i already gave u the password to this account!!! Also sorry for the short chapter the next won will hopefully be longer

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