im sorry izzy i guess 😒😒

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ok something weird happened and izzy switcjed the chapters 'a message to izzy or isabel or isabella idk shes annoying anyways' and 'ANOTHER message to izzy (hopefully the last but no promises) around. i dont know why she id that but i guess it was an editing miskate i guess 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 anyways i still was forced to pay her but her mom says i cant make fun of her. i thought her mom liked me cus im friends with ava izzy's sister but IGUESSS NOT 😒😒😡

anyways at least i have aiden stephen and ava on my side. today i saw quinten at the park when i was walking with aiden 😍 (also the heart eye emoji is dirwacted at aiden NOT QUINTEN I HATE QUINTEN!!!!!!! 

i walked up to quinn and said hi. aiden was a little freaked out but i told him it was okay and iwasnt  cheating on him or having an affair (im waiting for aiden to porpoise so we can get married)

quinn was like "hi" and i said that i have a  new boyfriend now!!!!!!!😍!!!!!! i wanted him to be mad but he was like "ok" and i was like "did you burn the bark that was on ARE TREE???? cus i smelt it at your house it was BURNING WOOD I SMELT IT!!!!!! he was like 'no my family was having barbecue's but i did still cross out the carving" and i said "WELL WHY DID YOU WRITE QUINN O x FINN P ON THE OTHER TREE DID YOU WANT TO SCARE ME??????? AND MAKLE ME MAD?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


he sauid "oh thats my new gf her name is finley and she goes by finn she is my next door neighbor and she is moving from YEW NORK CITY!!!!!!!!!! also i thought it was funny how youd be freaked out and think it was the other finn from your english class

i was devavstaded. quinn told me about how shes going to our school and we should be friends but i said "NO I AM NOT GONNA BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND" i felt like about-to-come-out wilbur soot song "your new bf" but instead of bf it was gf.

but theirs something good abourt this. he showed me a pic of her on his phone and NOW I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA AND GUESS WHAT I SAW COMING BACK FROM THE PARK??!?!?!???!!?!?!? uh huh it was FINNLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (aka finn) (like the girl not the hot finn from my english class)

i glarred at her and she was confused but idc. ANYWAYS SCREW YOU GIRL FINN!!!!!!!!!! AND QUINN AND IZZY TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finn from english class is ok cus hes hot 😍😍🥵🥵🥵 but OTHER FINN SUCKS EVEB I BEARLY KNOW WHO U R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

share my story hopefully it will update soon

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