Chapter 1

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Ash and friends are at the cave of reflection this time Ash and Serena are alone until Team Rocket come and try to take Pikachu but with one thunderbolt made them blast of but also hit a Crystal which cussed a blast but then out of the blast was SERENA but Serena was next to me so who is this person will there be a love triangle. Sorry about this this book is just for fun anyway let's go.

After that there was smoke. "Serena are you ok." I said.

"Uhh Ash I am right here." Said SERENA. Wait if that is Serena then who is she.

"Wait there's TWO OF ME I AM GOING TO FAINT." I grabbed her hand and look at her eyes. "Everything is going to be fine k." I said then she turned red. I still don't know what is with girls Turing red when I hold there hand or something.

"There's only one thing to do." He carried the other Serena on his back.

"GUYS." screamed two siblings. "We are right here!" We all hugged.

"Who is that girl you are talking on your back Ash." Said Bonnie

"No time we have to go to the Pokemon Center now." All of them nodded. We ran to the Pokemon Center it was about to rain but we got there. They took the girl into a room and I waited until the nurse came out.

"She is starting to wake up." Said Nurse Joy. "Can I go see her." I said. She nodded.

I went inside and saw her looking all over the room until she saw me and got scared.

"Hey don't worry I won't hurt you."


Ok time to explain this Serena is more shy and quiet and doesn't have friends. Don't worry Ash is going to change her little by little.

"What's your name."

"... serena amour..." ( 10/10 last name😎)

"Hi Sere."

She looked confused. "sere.?" I tell her everything that there's two Serena's.

Sere POV

I meet this guy Ash he is cute. But I am a little shy and he is a bit older than me.

Ok Ash and Serena are 14 and Clement is 15 Bonnie is 8 and Sere is 12.

But then he told me about his friends and there was two of me.
There was two of me cool I always wanted a sister. I hope she is nice and the others.

I tried to stand up but my knee hurts. Ash so this and he grabbed a piece of cloth and rap it around my leg. Once he did my cheeks started to get warm and then puts me on his shoulder next to his Pikachu.

"Come on Sere."

"K Onii-san."

No one's POV

"Guys I want you guys to meet Sere say hi sere." She was shy but she said it studering.


"Hi I Am Bonnie and this is Dedenne."

"I am Clement."

"I am Serena. Hi Sere I hope we can be friends."

After that Ash surprised her. And tickled her.

"STOP IT *giggling* IT *giggling* TICKLES *giggling* ONII-SAN." She saids but Ash still doing it. Serena was Jealous. Why is he doing to it to her. And that around her leg is that Ash's handkerchief that he gave me. No Serena you know him more than her.

After that Sere starts to to get sleepy.

"Hey slowpoke time for bed here I am going to get you do-."

"NO!" She said. "I want to be with you Satoshi-kun."

"Fine Sere you can sleep with me."

"And cuddle." She said with a blush

"Sure." He said. "Come on guys let's go to sleep."

Serena POV

That Sere is getting on my nerves she thinks she can steal Ashy from me well guess again. I love him but I can't say it. I just hope he loves me back. But HE IS TO DENSE. That's why I love him.

"Hey Serena don't you think Sere loves Ash." Said Bonnie. I cringe when she said that.

"I don't know." I said. "Well Good night Bonnie."

Sere POV

I feel something when I am around Onii-san (she is going to have different nicknames for Ash) I feel happy like all the world doesn't exist it's just me And Onii-san.

"Hey Sere it's time for bed." Said Ash

"Onii-san I want to watch a movie Please." I said with a smile sticking out my tongue.

"We don't have movies but I can tell you about my travels." He said

Once he said that I jump in the bed and snuggle with Onii-san. He so warm and smells like chocolate.

After telling Sere about Kanto and Johto she fell asleep and Ash to.

Is Onii-san asleep. He is time to do something I kissed him on the cheek the feeling felt so good. But someone watched the whole thing.

Serena POV

I was about to cry one Sere kissed Ash on the cheek. I have take it up a notch I am going to make my best Macrons for him. When I was done I put them in a box with a hearts.

"I hope he likes them." I said as I hid them. After that I went to bed.

Sere POV

I woke up snuggle up with Ash I was happy so I started to push him side to side.

"Onii-san wake up. They are making PANCAKES." After I said that he jumped out of bed and carrying me down the stairs.

"Good morning everyone." Ash said

"Good morning." They all said

"onii-san can you cut my pancakes." I said. " Sure." After we all eat Serena got a box and handed it to Ash.

"Here Ash I made them I hope you like them."

After that Ash opened the box and he had stars in his eyes and ate them all.

"Serena your baking is so good. Thank you." He said. She blushed and said. "I am not that good."

"Are you kidding me this is the best." He yelled she blushed even more. Then Ash went to the window of the Room and Screamed out. "SERENA YVONNE MAKES THE BEST MACROONS."

After that serena was so red and was at the point of fainting.

I felt something in my heart like a sharp object went through. Was i jealous.

Two can play it this way

Hey guys Aura here this is my new book I will be updating this book like 2 times a week but Pokemon Journeys will be on a little break I just wanted to do this book idea for a long time.

Ash: Sup

Aura: What are you doing here

Ash: Can't I say sup to the readers

Aura: Go back to Sky's Truth or Dare book

Ash: No it's hell there

Aura: I will dare Serena to kiss Gary

Ash: Itt am head out *runs so fast leaves fire marks on the ground*

- Ash and Aura signing out

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