The Matchmaker and her student life

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Hi! I'm Miyuki Jane!

I go to the Royal Academy school and I'm a senior student here.

You're probably wondering why its called 'Royal Academy ' right?

Well this school is for people who are supposedly royal or they can be super rich and stuff.

Well if you're wondering if I'm royalty, well, I'm not. My parents owns the famous Hirasawa hotels. As you know Hirasawa is a Japanese name so that means I'm half Japanese.

Well more about me, currently I'm in the news paper staff and im the vice president of the student council.

People has high respect for me I don't really know why but the rumors are 'if they disobey me I'll turn into my matchmaker mode' I think their over reacting though. I think that's enough information about me.

Miyuki's Pov


That was the sound of my alarm clock. When I checked the time it was "7:45 am!!"

"Oh my gosh!! I'm late for school!!" I thought

I hurriedly took a shower, got my school uniform and went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"I better tell mom to build an elevator here there's to much stairs" I muttered

When I finally made it to the kitchen I was surprised that none of the maids or butlers are there.

'Maybe mom gave them a vacation or something' i thought. I hurriedly grab a box of cereal and a jug of milk. I manage to finish eating my breakfast at a time of 2 minutes, A New Record!.

I was about to go to my room when i realized that it was so dark in the house. I went to the window and opened the curtain. I was so SURPRISE! ,no thats not the proper word to descirbe my feeling, Its PISSED!! My brother must have set the alarm early!! 

I dashed to my room and checked all of the things i have that has a clock. When i checked it it was 4:20 am in the morning!! UGH!! I'm going to kill him!!! 

Why does he have to wake me up early in the morning?!

*sigh * Nothings going to change anyway. I'll just have to do school work.

So i opened my laptop and checked all the drafts that the members of the newspaper staff gave me.

One article caught my eye. In the sports column I states that Cedrick Dale, a.k.a the football's team captain, his team has been undefeated for 3 months. Cedrick was my childhood friend. I repeat WAS.

I don't know what made him stay away from me but if its because of my attitude or something he should have gone straight to the point. I mean how are we going to fix our problems if he doesn't tell me what it is.

Nevermind our relationship and that's not the reason why it caught my eye.

You see, Cedrick has a crush on my bestfriend Liane Joy, a.k.a the student council president and the Leader of the orchestra club, I mean who wouldn't fall in love with her she has looks and a really calming aura.

But she also has a dark side when you disobey her commands she'll get angry and will give you a murderous look all night long.

Looks like its time for me to activate my matchmaikng skills!! I'm so excited!!

I scanned the rest of the drafts, they were okay it just lacks excitement. Well nothing happens much in school anyways so I have to make an action.

When I checked the clock it was 6:30 am already. Wow. Time really is fast. I decided to go to school even though its early I have nothing to do anyway.

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