Chapter 5

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A/N I didn't get to post this morning since I ached all over from hiking for 8 straight hours yesterday. I hope you guys enjoy today's chapter.


Not getting enjoyable sleep Partridge stretches in her grassy nest and cringes at the pain that shot up her leg. 

Hearing her discomfort Morning wakes up as the regret shown in her once golden yellow eyes as she looks up into the bush's branches. "I'm guessing you didn't get much sleep," Morning murmured hoarsely without even giving Partridge even a glance.

"Yeah, but I think we'll feel a little better when we're back at camp." Partridge mewed trying to keep a brighter tone in her voice.

Morning glanced at her and padded over to the entrance. She then looked back at Partridge. Her voice held back a quiver, " I'll go get something for us to eat, and if Meadow comes by, tell her I said hi," She turned her head and walked out before Partridge nodded.

Getting bored from just laying down Partridge forced her only working leg to carry her to the entrance. As she looked out the small clearing had a sparse amount of cats. Then Partridge decided to see who was there at least until she picked up Lily's scent which lead to a patch of ferns that the queens took refuge in. Until she looked inside which was deserted which made Partridge sigh in a mixed relief from having being questioned about the attack and the fact that Lily was alright.

Partridge then thought it would be better to just sit outside the bush she was sleeping in the night before, her left leg aching from the unrelenting limping. Within a few heartbeats of sitting, Morning came back with Honeycomb and a rabbit. Honeycomb looked a bit beat up with a couple of scratches and her tail covered in cobwebs.

"Look who I found she was being cooped up like you. She's going to have to work on her balance for a while until she gets better." Morning mewed happily dropping the rabbit.

"I can speak for myself thank you very much," Honeycomb quipped back at Morning.

"Sorry," she replied her eyes darting to her left.

"Is everyone else back at camp? Almost no one's here," Partridge mewed worriedly.

"Some cats are here but a few are at camp with the queens and elders. I also think Flamethistle is with them too," Morning replied her voice was much clearer than when she woke up.

"That's good...Wait! Fox dung, how did you guys chase away the dogs?" Partridge questioned both of them.

"Are you going to eat or not?" Honeycomb's tail twitching towards the rabbit and a small cringe of pain was evident on her face.

Before she could take a bite Meadow scurries up to the she-cats with dandelion leaves. "I'm so sorry you had to wait so long," Meadow's mew was slightly muffled as she set the leaves down. "Brightwave was in a frenzy with me taking some herbs to Flamethistle and I got here as fast as I could," Meadow continued as Partridge and Honeycomb ate the leaves.

"Meadow, you're fine it doesn't ache as badly as yesterday," Partridge replied after she finished chewing the bitter leaf.

"Brightwave may have said that but I still worry," Meadow's eyes wavering to her right.

"Leave the worrying to the queens. Brightwave is going to need you back," Honeycomb mewed her eyes holding sympathy for the young she-cat.

"Y-yes Honeycomb," she replied before trotting back across the clearing where more and more cats gathered as Dawnstar scrambled up to a low branch in a birch tree.

"What's going on?" Partridge asked as Morning just gave her a confused look as they moved their way to the crowd.

"Cats old enough to catch their own prey meet under this birch for a clan meeting," Dawnstar called from her perch for the time being.


A/N I made some edits I'm going to be brushing up on a few parts so don't be alarmed if the dates on the updates are a little wonky.

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