Huey, Dewey and Louie bonding

878 15 21

On request WebbyBonilla 

It happens before Della gets back. Enjoy reading!


Without POV

The family has embarked on an adventure. They were to find the precious crown, and then sell it to Glomgold to make him annoyed again that he has less money than Scrooge. When they found the crown, Dewey approached it without hesitation. Shots fired, hardly hitting Louie.

,,Dewey!" screamed Huey, hoping he'd turn around and stop. But Dewey didn't pay the slightest attention to him, he walked, and things like shots or rocks flew most often towards Louie.

,,Why does practically everything fly towards me?" asked an annoyed Louie, pulling an arrow out of his hoodie.

,,Dewey doesn't listen to me" Huey sighs ,,You need to come closer to me."

Louie came up to his brother quickly, and his face was painted with horror.

,,Dewey!" everybody screamed. Dewey was literally a step away from taking the crown and wasn't going to stop. There was a smile on his face when he reached for the crown. When he had it in his hands, the ceiling began to approach the floor. The exit almost closed. Scrooge and Donald were trying to hold it together.

,,Quick, run!" They screamed and everyone got out of the building. They went back to the mansion without saying anything.

,,It was irresponsible" Webby said. ,,Even for you, Dewey."

After those words, she slammed the door from her room. The triplets went to their room.

,,You're too irresponsible, Dewford!" Huey screamed. ,,You could have killed us all!"

,,Oh, God! I'm sorry I'm not as perfect as you, Huebert!" Dewey said angrily.

,,When I said I was perfect?! I'm not, but at least I'm not reckless you!" said Huey.

,,You're only saying that because you know you'd never have the guts to participate in an adventure like me!" Dewey yelled. Neither of them paid any attention to Louie, who was sitting on the bed, sad, and really wanted to yell at them both, for what they are.

,,Dewey, you're just being a reckless idiot, but this bull**** you're saying is just trying to make sense of yourself!" Huey screamed, not realizing what he just said. ,,Oh...Dewey, I...I didn't mean it."

Dewey had tears in his eyes

,,It's okay" He was angry. ,,You said what you thought! I knew you hated me!"

,,I...really didn't just came out" Huey said.

,,Sure, you didn't want to!" Dewey said. ,,You just have to be perfect and you don't understand that I'm not!"

,,God, shut up, please!" Louie said. The brothers were surprised to look at him ,,You're acting idiotic. BOTH OF YOU!"

Huey and Dewey weren't looking at each other, they were both trying to hide tears in their eyes. Their own brothers' words hurt.

,,I'm coming. Goodbye," said Dewey and left the room. Louie got over and looked at Huey. He had a suffering expression on his face, and his tears, soaking his shirt.

,,Huey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just got carried away and..." Louie tried to explain himself, but Huey just came up to him and hugged him.

,,Okay. I'm sorry you had to listen to that and... and we didn't ask you what you think, but now... we should find our brother," said Huey. They both had tears in their eyes, but they tried to pretend that they didn't. They went up to the window.

,,I see him!" Louie yelled, pointing at the blue duck, going towards the woods.

,,Come on, quick, before we lose sight of him!" said Huey and they quickly left the mansion, running. Fortunately, they haven't lost him yet. They decided not to show their presence and see where Dewey was going. Dewey was moving on. Louie started to get a little scared, as you could see from his facial expression. Huey took him by the hand so he wasn't afraid. Louie got better. They reached the lake with a wooden bridge. Dewey looked around and pulled out of the nearby bushes, some picture and something like a bullet. Then he sat down on the bridge.

,,You wouldn't treat me like that, would you, Mom?" he asked me, and he leaned into the bullet. 

,,I want you back, I...I love you! I want to find you!"

Huey and Louie started to approach their brother gradually. Louie put his hand on his shoulder. Dewey turned with a scarecrow and then hid the bullet and the picture behind him.

,,Dewey?" Huey started. ,,Do you... do you know anything about... mom?"

,," Dewey lied. ,,What are you doing here?"

,,We wanted to apologize." They said, sitting next to him. ,,Yeah...that's how it went. Sorry."

,,I...I wanna apologize, too." Dewey said ,,I...I shouldn't have acted like that, it wasn't okay, but I...I wanna...I wanna tell you about my mom."

The boys looked at him with surprise.

,,You know something about her?" They asked at the same time.
,,Practically nothing." Dewey shrugged his shoulders. ,,I just have this bullet and a picture."

He showed them these things.

,,If Mom's anywhere, we'll find her together." Huey said, smiling at Dewey.

,,We're the Duck brothers," Louie said. ,,Always and everywhere together."

The triplets hugged each other.

,,I love you," said Huey. ,,No matter what I said, what I say now is important."

,,I love you too," said Dewey, and Louie hugged them harder.

,,I.... I love you too, brothers." He whispered. All three of them were smiling.


I hope I haven't underestimated your expectations! If you didn't like it, or if you'd like to read another story linking Huey, Dewey and Louie, please write. I hope you liked it and you'll write your opinion in a commentary. Have a nice day! 💚 

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