Stupid. Annoying. Wrong.

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*picture is from Lore Olympus on Webtoon*

Trigger warning: cursing , self h-rm

Yeah, I know, I'm annoying and so stupid and always ask things I shouldn't

I make stupid jokes all the time, pretend to be happy when I'm not. But I can't say anything. 

I'm so exhausted with pretending. Always shoving everything down down down

Stupid little girl. I make such stupid choices and then get upset when they blow up in my face. 

I don't even know what I'm expecting to come from writing this on here. Like seriously. 

I'm so sick of everything. I'm so tired of constantly pushing everything down, wondering if the shit I've been through was that bad. Maybe I'm just a sensitive little bitch

Why do I hurt myself like this? I just want help. But I can't even get that, can I? 

Everything just hurts, and I'm gonna ruin everything. 




Can't you just let. Me. Get. Help.

You're so petty, so hypocritical. I wish you could just STOP THIS ALL

Be mature, please. You're not making anything better by making things difficult. And then you wanna get mad when I react a certain way, right?

I just wish you'd chill. Stop it, seriously. 

I just want help

I just want help

I just want help

I just want help 

I just want help

But you won't let that happen because you're so fucking difficult for.No.fucking reason_jpg. files

I'm so depressed right now. I wish I could tell someone but I don't wanna burden them. I know its hard to hear someone else's emotional labours. I dobt wanna put that on anyone else

But I'm sick of bottling it up, up, up. So I try to fix it by trying to get therapy, but you have to duck that up, too.

I just want help. Like, I'm literally on the brink of fucking tears. Why did you have to be my father? You know, you made me and my brothers messed up in the head. Especially my little bro. To have him be feeling such emotions at such a young age, to invite your fucking gf into learning news so private to us only. 

Like you fucking care. You don't give a shit about me. You're glad I'm gone, I know you are. Now you can go live with her and be happy, okay? Just L E A V E M E A L O N E and go live with her.

Have a shitload of fun, please. Just let me get the help I fucking need. So difficult for no damn reason. I have S O M U C H A N G E R for you, it's almost insane. 

I hate hate hate hate everything it's so loud the voices are getting to me it's too much I feel too much know too much

I can't can't can't escape escape escape its too much please please make it stop make it stop




Am I crazy

There is something seriously wrong with me. Please...

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