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*pic is from Lore as Olympus

Everything feels wrong

The one person I thought I could never upset now has an almost dead or hurt look in her eyes

I let myself get too happy

I let myself become old me. Or maybe there was never a new me

It's hard, utterly exhausting, to try and not hurt everyone's feelings. Hard to not feel so bad,so angry at myself for it

Did I let myself forget that she is human, too? With her own desires, her own needs? I must've or she wouldn't have gotten hurt

Way to go, I drawl to myself. Way to go. The only other you felt safe enough you no longer feel that connection. You no longer feel that joy, that happiness.

Everything is going to be different now, and you know it

What will you do tomorrow, Jax? What will you say? Will you hide in cowardice? Will you pretend nothing is wrong? What else will you talk about?

Our love of writing is something we both share. And the thing she and I would talk about all the time

But now that's gone

Now, it'll all be different.

You've made a mess, Jax

But she knew from the beginning that something was off. You lied and said no out of obligation.

When will you learn, Jax, that you don't need to people please? That if you feel you don't want to talk about something because it's not to your liking, you don't have to force yourself to?

You're feeling better now, Jax. I can see it. You still feel guilty, but it will pass, and know that she still loves you! She will never stop loving hi, Jax. What happened tonight was good. A door was opened. A concern was voiced. The truth came to light.

Yes, you'd lying to her to please her,but it's out now. It will take time, but it will get better. -]¢

(: Give Uh A Love :)  **Trigger Warning**Where stories live. Discover now