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(word count: 1427)

I looked down at the small pregnancy test that was in my hand to see a pink plus sign. I couldn't believe it, after trying for so long to have a baby my husband Seokjin and I are finally going to have a baby.

I hear the living room door open and close. "Baby I'm home." I hear Jin shout but something sounds off about his voice, it seemed a little sad. I didn't pay much mind to it because I was to excited to tell Jin the great news.

I ran downstairs with the test in my hands and when I got to the living room I jumped into Jin's arms. "Woah baby be careful, you could have gotten hurt." I looked at his face to see his eyes all puffy and pink and his cheeks where the same. "Baby why have you been crying?" He sighed and walked to the couch sitting me on his lap. I turned so I was facing him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

It was silent for a while until I couldn't hold it anymore and we both blurred out what we had to say.

"I'm pregnant."
"I have Cancer."

We both stared at each other shocked at what we both said. "Wait y-you have cancer?" He nodded and then looked at my stomach. "And you're pregnant." I nodded. He smiled and touched my stomach. "Wow that's great baby." I started tearing up. "Yeah but what about you, what did the doctor say other than you have cancer?"

He closed his eyes and a few tear drips fell. "He said that I have type three lung cancer. I-it's to late for treatment. It's starting to spread to my other lung and eventually it will take over and I will die." I couldn't hold the tears any longer and started crying my eyes out. I hugged Jin tightly and hid my face in his neck. He rubbed my back and started rocking us back and forth. "Hey it's ok honey. Shh calm down all this stress isn't good for the baby." I calmed down a little after he said that. I brought my face out if his neck and saw that he was crying too.

"What are we going to do?" Was all I could ask. "Well I don't want my last few months to be sad so we are going to go on with our lives. I love you and our baby." Jin pulled me into a loving kiss. "I love you too baby."

✓ one month later ✓
I looked into the mirror and saw my slightly showing baby bump. "You look beautiful with that baby bump." Jin said as he came up behind me and put his hands on my stomach. I smiled at him through the mirror and leaned into him. "And you're still world wide handsome even without your hair." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. It's been two days since we had to shave his hair. It turns out that the cancer has spread faster than expected. Day by day our baby gets stronger as Jin grew weaker. It's like he's giving up his life for our baby which makes me even more depressed but I carry on for both my husband and my baby.

When I was sleeping that night I heard coughing and groaning coming from the bathroom. I got up to see Jin hunched over the toilet puking and coughing and puking into it. "Jin honey are you ok?" I asked as I came more into the bathroom. "Yeah I'm fine g-go back to sleep." I got down on the floor and rubbed his back. "No I'm staying right here for you." He finished coughing and was now breathing heavily. "I'm s-sorry that I-I woke you two up." He put his hand on my stomach and when he did that the baby started moving and kicking like crazy.

I could see Jin starting to tear up. "I'm so sorry little one. I'm so sorry that I won't be here for you, to watch you grow up, to embarrass you, to run away your boyfriends. I'm so sorry my little baby that I'm leaving you and your mommy alone, but trust me when I say I love you both so, so ,so much." He bent down and kissed my stomach as I let tears fall from my eyes. (I literally cried making this part.😭)

✓ 2 months later ✓

I laid in the hospital bed with my shirt up showing my baby bump that's only gotten bigger. "Ok Mrs and Mr. Kim do you want to know the gender of your baby?" I looked at Jin and he nodded. "Yes please." I held Jin's hand but not to tightly. My heart broke at his thin he had gotten. He looks like a skeleton almost. "Well congrats your baby is a healthy baby bo, wait a second I see 4 little feet. Wow this is unexpected." Jin and I looked at the doctor worried. "Well it turns out that your having twins." My heart dropped. I looked over to see Jin already crying while looking at the screen. "W-what are they doctor Lee?" Jin asked in a low, quacked voice. "Well you have one little boy and, wow congrats you have a little girl too."

When we got home I helped Jin to the kitchen. "Do you want me to make you something to eat?" He shook his head. "Ok I'm going to change into more comfortable clothes. You stay here." He nodded and I walked to our room.

∆ no one pov ∆

Jin hunched over the counter releasing a sob. He couldn't handle leaving his wife and one kid and now he's leaving his wife and two kids. He felt like the world was turning against him even more than it already had.

"Why, why did you have to do this to us? Am I not a good person? Why did you have to bless us with your gifts but at the same time take something away?" He cried while looking up at the ceiling asking God why he had chosen this to be his fate. All his life he wanted nothing more than to find the woman he loved and have a family with her. In his mind that's all he needed, that's all he wanted, and now that his dreams where coming true he wouldn't be there to live it. He knew he wouldn't even make it to Y/n's last trimester. He felt so weak just standing up.

Jin lowered himself into the floor holding himself, crying. "Why God why do you have to punish not only me but my family too? We've never gone against you. Why take me from my wife and unborn babies? You know I would be a great farther to them and now I can't even prove myself. This is all I've ever wanted and now that it's in my grasp your taking me away from it."

Little did Jin know that Y/n was doing the same thing in their bedroom. She didn't know why God was taking away the farther if her children and the love of her life.

They both went to bed later that night. Jin had his wife and unborn children in his arms as tight as he could. His arms were wrapped around his wife and his hands were resting on his children. Jin knew that was going to be his last night. He kissed Y/n one last time before whispering softly as to not wake her up. "I love you Y/n, you and our beautiful babies." After that Jin closed his eyes for the last time.

∆ Y/n pov ∆
I woke up go see Jin's sleeping face. I smiled lovingly at him but that soon faded when I realized he was to still. I started lightly shaking him. "Jin, Jin, baby please wake up, Kim Seokjin don't you leave like this, please don't leave us." I put his hand on my stomach and started crying begging, hoping he'd none back to us. I sat up and held his face. "Please you can't leave." I started yelling at this point while holding my lifeless husband in my arms. The babies were kicking and moving around a lot so I decided to calm down a little for them. "Why didn't you wake me to say goodbye?" I kissed him one last time before getting up and calling someone.

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