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I ran through the hospital pulling my pants as I made my way to her room. The closer I got the restless Leo became, I could hear her growls and feel the waves of panic coming from those in the room.

The door is wide open Wendy has a needle in one hand and is trying to get Amica to calm down there are three fidgeting nurses one carrying a tray with more injections and other clinical materials, one of them has her dress shredded and Bianca to the side of Amica is not looking good and sporting claw marks on the arm she's cradling, her phone smashed on the ground the room is a mess and Amica the cause of the chaos is crouched on the tattered bed eyes flashing between black and gold claws and canines extended hair pure white the color of her wolf daring anyone to take a step closer and even with everything I found her breathtakingly beautiful

Leo had his chest buffed up with pride at the sight of the mess and i was convinced the idiot needed to get his head checked

Wendy takes a step forward but makes the mistake of showing the needle and Amica lunges at her, in seconds I'm catching her and we both tumble to the ground her teeth clamped down on my wrist. It hurt like a bitch but i held her tight to my body she struggles a bit but eventually calms down enough to pry my bleeding hand away and surprisingly she didn't fight when i carried her in my arms slowly I move us up and set her on the bed all the while cooing in her ear and brushing my hand through her hair. I mind link Wendy to come inject her but use my body to block her vision so she doesn't see the movement and feel threatened, I look down at her and her eyes are back to the beautiful brown but her hair is still white. She tenses a bit before her body goes limp and her breathing evens out. 

I sigh in relief and  nod to Wendy and take Amica to the next room and set her on the bed before going back to Bianca who practically jumps into my arms and sobs, my sister might have a big mouth but it is nothing but a defense mechanism she is very fragile and for some unknown reason she can't fight to save her life no matter the trainings and it scares me that one day i won't be able to protect her and something terrible might happen to her .

"I-i -I'm so- rr-sorry Dame, I really am" I say nothing and cradle her till her tears were gone and all that left are hiccups

"C'mon let's go check your arm" she nods and silently follows me to a nurse who just cleaned the wound and applied an ointment and said she was good since it'll heal in a matter of hours though i knew it would only take minutes, where she lacked in strength she excelled in healing she is the only wolf who i know who has such healing rate that even i as an Alpha can't beat. It was getting late so I sent Bianca home with an unspoken agreement that she wasn't going to school tomorrow.

I went back to the room were my beautiful mate laid, she only had two iv's connected to her arm and I was happy to see she wasn't hooked to a thousand wires and machines. Wendy was removing the bandage and splint around her neck so I waited for her to finish but noticed that the necklace that usually sat on Amica's neck was no longer there

"Where's her necklace?" my voice was hard with an underling threat

"It was taken off earlier today after you left when I wanted to take out her pipe and bandage her" I narrowed my eyes at her

"Where's it?" I growled

"Its in her pocket" I went forward and checked the little pocket at the front of the hospital gown and sure enough it was there. I took it out and put back around her neck and I felt her body relax some more and her hair started to fade back to its chocolate brown

"Is she okay ?" I glanced up at Wendy

"She's fine alpha, probably wake up by tomorrow, then she's good to go"

I nodded at her words as she turned and left leaving me alone with my sleeping mate. I was exhausted but I didn't get in bed with her. Instead I sit in the chair next to the bed and stare at her. She'd grown in her coma, isn't as skinny and her skin had a glow to it. she was breathtaking even in an hospital bed I wonder what she'd look like in a dress.
Somewhere between admiring my mate I fell asleep waking up occasionally when she stirred.


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