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Seven was strapped down in the Van across from Vanderwood. Seven glanced at him but glanced away.
"What happened to you, Vanderwood?" Seven asked leaning forward as far as he could. Vanderwood didn't say anything and looked down at the iron floor. Every bump in the rode felt like hell to him, Vanderwood would grunt at the slight movements of the vehicle as it drove. "Just tell me."
Ten minutes past until Vanderwood looked up at Seven and cleared his throat. "Your dumb ass left without finishing your work. They came to your house when I was there waiting for you to come home. While I was waiting I heard a noise by the front door. I reached for my gun but the time I did, they already had me on the floor. I sat there helpless not being able to move. I felt so stupid...so useless. I'm a secret agent after all, how could I be so pathetic." He spat.
"Don't worry so much. You had your guard down. Did they torture you until you told them? How did you know exactly where we were?" Seven leaned back.
"I had a tracker on you sewed into your Jacket when you were asleep. That way I could find you when I want to you to work." Vanderwood started to cough.
"You need to go to a hospital." Saeyoung's eyes narrowed. Vanderwood chuckled.
"Tell me what I don't know." He smiled at Seven. "Let this be a lesson to you. Finish your work."
"I did...this morning." Seven avoided eye contact.
"Well I doubt you're getting a paycheck." Vanderwood joked.

After a what felt like hours they got to the destination, two men came out and put cloth bags over there heads.
After walking around awhile, the men pulled the bag over there heads. They were Unhand cuffed and pushed down into two chairs. A women with a brown slick ponytail, a dress shirt with a black tight skirt. Her sky blue eyes shot daggers at the two.
"Agent 7.0.7.." she smiled. "We meet at last." Seven stayed quiet, as he swallowed his saliva. "Take Mr. Vanderwood to the hospital wing, get him fixed up, and bring me the person who did this to one of my top agents."
"But ma'am!" An officer yelled before helping Vanderwood.
"My orders were to bring me agent 7.0.7. they were never to harm Agent Vanderwood." The women yelled. The men nodded and picked Vanderwood up. A few minutes went by until she spoke again. "So, the man who never finishes his tasks until the last minute." She got up and walked around.
"What do you want from me?" Seven asked as He rubbed his wrist feeling where the hand cuffs were. "Whatever you want with me, make it fast. I have dinner reservations at 8:00 tomorrow with my girlfriend." The women smiled and looked down at her desk.
"Agent Seven, My name is Ara Kang, I've been watching over your work for a while. You've been slowing down a lot, I believe it's because you've been thinking your better than anybody in this building, am I right."
"Ma'am I don't think I'm better than anyone else here!" He put his hands up and closed his eyes. When he opened them again they shot daggers at her, his smirk was full threat and confidence. "I know for a fact I'm better than anyone else here."
"You know for a fact?"
"Ma'am, I've done the same training as everyone else here every month. If I wanted to I could press this button right now and this entire building would be wiped off the face of the planet. You live because I let you." He grinned. She sat up and waved her hand. Two men came and slammed his head onto the desk.
"You've got it all wrong, you live because I need you. When I'm done with you, I will torture you and kill you." She said. The men grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him into a cell.

The room had nothing but a bed and a toilet. The women came back and looked down at him  as he tried to catch his breath on the floor.
"What happened to you? You used to be one of the best agents we had. Now look at you." She sighed. "You'll work on this laptop." She slid a laptop through the meal slot. "It will be monitored so don't think of doing anything stupid."
She walked away and Seven watched her every move.
"Monitored my ass." He said under his breath.

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