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"Saeran!" Saeyoung ordered from his office, "can I get another beer." Saeran walked into the room.
"Turn off the fucking monitor, and look at me." Saeyoung did as he was told and looked at him.
"You know who you're turning into?" Saeran asked.
"Who?" He asked but not really caring.
"Mom." Saeran blurted. "You are becoming her."
"I will never become her!" Saeyoung yelled, Saeran looked more angry, his blue eyes shot daggers at him, he balled his hands into fist making his knuckles go white.
"Look around your Saeyoung! Your pregnant girlfriend left, you drink nonstop, you even smacked MC for trying to help you!" As soon as he said that MC walked into the house. She now had a baby bump, as soon as Saeyoung saw her, he stood up.
"Still no, PHD. Pepper..." she blurted, Saeyoung frowned and shook his head. "Saeyoung, I talked to a few people and I decided, I love you, and I miss what we had but please...Saeyoung...stop drinking." She grabbed his hands. I don't want something terrible to happen to you..."
"Do you wanna end up like mother?" Saeyoung

Saeyoung ran to the kitchen and opened every bottle of alcohol he owned and dumbed it down the drain. MC and Saeran watched him and smiled. MC ran up and hugged him, he hugged her back and even tighter and kissed her head.
"I promise to never touch a bottle of again." He promised.

To begin his trial of forgiveness the two of them drove to Zen's house, MC nocked on the door and the white haired man opened the door. "Hey guys! Long time no see!" He smiled and let them in.
"Zen...I'm sorry..I..I never should have started the fight, you were only trying to help me and I didn't listen..." Saeyoung said as he looked at the coffee table.
"No if anything I should apologize...I blew first punch..." Zen sighed.

They talked and had a few laughs before heading home. When they got home Saeyoung went to sleep and instead of seeing the lady he saw his future with MC, he saw them married, beautiful children and a less salty brother. He woke up feeling happy for once. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and drank it. Everything was perfect again.

To celebrate the three of them decided to go to a nice restaurant, as MC and Saeyoung got dressed, MC felt like the close didn't fit her right and made her look fat. As she looked in the mirror she saw her boyfriend wearing dress pants with a white polo shirt hug her from behind.
"Just think...our child is growing in there. It's not ugly, it's life." He kissed her neck and walked away.
When they left the room they saw Saeran waiting on the couch for them. He wore a plain black shirt with gray jeans. He gave a half smile to them and they left.

The restaurant was bigger then they thought. It was two stories, it had giant paintings and round tables everywhere. The waiter came up to them with a smile and sat them to a table in the back corner. They all got water with lime to drink, when the food arrived they ate and talked. The night was fun and short. When they finished they gave the waiter the bill and got into the car.

As they arrived home MC felt a strange feeling in her stomach like she had in a while. They got home MC went to the bathroom. Saeran and Saeyoung were talking in the living room before they heard MC scream. They ran to the bathroom, as Saeyoung opened the door they saw MC with a panicked look.
"What!?" Saeyoung yelled, MC didn't know how to move.
"I..." She didn't know how to say it. "I got my period." Saeran and Saeyoung's jaws dropped. They all got back into the car and drove to the hospital.

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