From Ruthless to Goddess

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*Myra's POV*

It's Wednesday, which means it's been 4 days since the Bryant situation. At this point, I honestly don't care about it anymore.

What I do care about however, is that Mrs. Cartwright is having me assign another assignment to the MTA class, and I have no clue what it's going to be. So, I needed some help.

That, and I have now been nominated to run for student council president. I'm down for it.

I walked out of last period, grabbed Lacey, and ran to Coopers locker.

"Oh Drake!" I yelled as Lacey and I walked up to the 5 boys, since Bryce was there.

Lacey pointed at Bryce, "We are mad at you for getting grounded for a month."

"So worth it though." he smiled and nodded.

"You're dirty." I laughed and shook my head. "Drake." I grabbed his shoulders.

"Myra." He grabbed mine back.

"Do you still have your MTA notebook from last year." I pursed my lips.

"I do." He nodded. "It's at my house."

"Can I use you for the night. I have to chose an assignment and I need help picking one." I smiled.

He shook his head. "Consider me used. Let me run home and get it."

"Uh Mic," I tossed Micha my keys, "I hate to break the two of you up." I motioned toward Lacey, "But take my car with you. I'll ride with Drake."

"Really?" Drake looked down at me.

I nodded. "I want to see Rylah."

He shook his head. "Alright." He smiled.

We all walked out to the parking lot, and I hopped in Drakes passenger seat.

We pulled in his driveway to a very familiar truck.

"Oh boy." Drake shook his head. "You can stay in the truck if you want."

"Drake it's fine. I want to say hi to Johnny and Mom." I laughed.

"Still weird that you call my mom, mom. But are you sure." He gave me a look.

"Oh get out." I shook my head and jumped down.

We walked in the house and quietly in to the kitchen.

Elizabeth saw me walking up behind Johnny and I put my finger to my lips.

She rolled her eyes and smiled.

Just as I was about to wrap my arm around Johnnys neck, he turned around, grabbed my arm, twisted it behind my back, and pushed me on to the counter.

"Damn it how did you know!" I yelled.

"Girl, I'm old, but I'm not that old." He laughed and helped me up.

"Myra!" Taylor came running in to the kitchen.

"Hi pretty!" I yelled picking her up and setting her on the counter.

"Are you Drakes girlfriend again?" She smiled at me.

I laughed. "No. We're just friends." I nodded. "But you want to know something?" I looked over at Drake. "Your brother, is one of the best friends any one could ever have." I smiled.

She looked over at Drake. "D can we be friends?" She smiled.

"I'll do you one better." He laughed. He walked over and lifted her in to the air. "We, can be bestfriends, if you promise to never get a boyfriend." He set her back down.

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