4~ First battle

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Just want to put a warning because of blood related stuff.... so yeah. I'll a put a sign meaning the bloody stuff happens and I'll put a second one meaning that stuff finished. This is the sign ⚠️

The figure slowly walked out of the shadows and revealed itself. It had large scales all over  protecting its body. It also had a tail with a stinger at the tip.

"Your...y-our a..."

"A scorpion! Yeah your so smart! Good your you!" Said the scorpion sarcastically

"What's your name?!" Hissed Eos

"Pin....the names Pin. It's a dumb name but I don't care."

"Why did you set off the explosion here is Passion plaza?" Asked Steph

"I'm trying to stop anyone trying to get the first gem, why because I want to become the next Ultimate Champion." Explained Pin

"You've caused harm to innocent people! You've even hurt my friend which was a huge mistake! You don't deserve to gain that title!" Yelled Eos

"I don't care......I will become the next Ultimate Champion everyone will finally respect me! Everyone in the Badlands respects me because I'm the strongest there but.......every other continent t-they....."

Pin ran towards Eos and was able to headbutt him launching him far, Steph reacted by summoning her bow and start shooting. But Pin was able to block all the arrows with her pincers, she then ran up to Steph and tried to attack her but Steph was quick enough to block the attack with her bow.

"I will kill you all! You will not stop me!" Yelled Pin

⚠️She then quickly cuts Steph right arm making a huge gash, blood was pouring out quickly. With the pain Steph was going through she let's go of her bow and covers the gash with other hand, but she was vulnerable to all attacks and Pin took the opportunity to attack Steph. Eos out of nowhere swung his blades at Pin and was able to deal a lot of damage to her, he quickly ran up to Steph to check on her.

"I can't feel my a-arm but I-I can heal it, problem is t-that it will take a-awhile. So distract Pin f-for me." Said Steph

Eos nods and turns around to face Pin, he stood his ground and stayed vigilant but he used his only magic spell which boosts his Def for the entire battle.

"Using magic if for weaklings! I don't use magic like all of you!" Shouted Pin

"But let's make this battle a bit more fun shall we~"

The lights in the mineshaft started to flicker and go out, darkness surrounded the whole mineshaft and it was near impossible to see were Pin was. Eos was a bit shaken but was able to calm down and tried to listen were Pin was. During this time Steph was able to heal her right arm and she notices the darkness everywhere so she opened her bag and grabbed matches, she lights one of them up and drops it on the floor. She starts to make the little fire turn into a huge ball of fire, the light from it spreads across the mineshaft. Eos on the other hand was able to see Pin coming at him so he swung both of his blades and it was able to shatter her right pincer completely. Blood splattered everywhere and shards of the scales were everywhere.

"AHHhHHH! My right pincer! You little fucker! I'll kill you! Yelled Pin

Without any hesitation Pin was able to go behind Eos and stab him with her stinger, Eos eyes dilated and he fell face first to the ground. He started to twitch uncontrollably and coughing out blood with a mixture of the green like poison. Steph saw what just happened and she was traumatized without thinking she grew the ball of fire at Pin burning her badly. She ran towards Eos to heal him but she was punched by Pin.

"You c-can't get r-rid of m-me that easily....." said Pin between breaths

She was weak and tired her right arm was missing her pincer which Eos shattered, blood was still gushing out non-stop, she was also badly burned everywhere but she was still to stand. So Steph had no choice but to use her Special attack.

~Special attack~
Anxiety attack activate

Steph activated her special attack and she started to smile evilly, she started to create web like strings from the tip of her fingers and throws them around Pin. Steph was able to find multiple nightmares but she decided to use all of them and re-create them I front of Pin. Pin saw them and started to shake and hyperventilate, tears started to roll down her face the nightmare kept attacking her. Pin started to scream in agony and fear.

"Please! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me! I'm sorry!"

But Steph just laughed and the nightmares kept attacking until the nightmare finished, Steph walked up to Pin and all she saw was a dead corpse will lots of stab wounds and bruises, and blood was everywhere, but Steph didn't seem to react. After a couple of seconds Pins body started to dust meaning her body will respawn in Olympus.

Steph remember about Eos and ran up to him.

"Eos!" Cried Steph

She lifted his body to see dead eyes and blood all around his mouth. She realized that his body was beginning to dust. ⚠️

"I failed him....I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

Steph stoped and she stood up with no emotion in her eyes she started to walk out of the mineshaft and reach the surface. When she did she saw the authorities everywhere She kept walking until one of them saw her.

"What were you doing in there?!" Shouted the police man

"I.....t-took care o-of it....." said Steph slowly

She passed out and was rushed to a nearby hospital.

Word count- 1011

Hope y'all enjoy it! Sorry if some of you couldn't read it because of the blood stuff. I'm still updating and adding new stuff in the story luckily it's nothing complicated for me. So yeah...... see you guys in the flip side!

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