10~ Sacred Plautae Boss

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The group continue to walk down the corridor until they see a huge battlefield and a huge flower like figure right in the middle. They stopped to check if they were ok with items and other things.

"Hey Steph I wanted to ask.......what happened to you back there?" Asked Ciecly


"I don't know I just act violent sometimes mostly when I'm angry, and when I'm angry I just lose my self control and just attack" reply's Steph

"But why were you mad?"

"I was mad by they she was attacking, I noticed that she only pays attention to one person at a time, like the way she attacked you. She slowly makes the teams less powerful by taking out one person at a time." Explained Steph

"Sigh.....At Least control yourself for this battle ok"

Steph grumbles but nods in agreement, after a while everyone got there things all set up and they were ready. They all began walking slowly towards the flower figure. The battle field was filed with trees, grass, flowers, and even ancient pillars that were broken thousands of years ago. But the area gave off a nice peaceful Aurora to which made the four friends lower there defenses, Vi without thinking reached his hand out to see the figure but he was cut off by a rumbling sensation around the area. They tried to keep there balance but they began running back to the corridors and when they turned around that's when they saw the Boss.

It was just a normal flower but huge, but then Eos noticed that the gem was located at the top of the flowers head. When Eos was about to attack the flower grew an eye in the middle and it stared at them for a good minute, until it began screaming. That was sign that the battle just begun, Eos like always goes for the first attack and was able to hit it's lower part of its stem. The creature retaliated by attacking back with a huge vine with spikes attached to it. Everyone was able to doge it barley, Ciecly had her staff ready and running around the creature at full speed.

While doing so Ciecly attacked with multiple good strikes at the creature, the creature tried its best to keep up with Ciecly fast speed. But it was able to catch her with one it's vine, it wrapped it around Ciecly left leg and made the spikes dug straight into her skin. She let out a painful scream which alerted everyone one else, Steph was the first to reach and she shot a fire arrow at the vine. To which she was able to hit the vine started to burn off completely and it lets go of Ciecly. She was falling from a high altitude but Virroz was Able to catch her in time, Virroz brought her behind a tree to check on her wound.

"It's just there puncture wounds....good thing it didn't inject anything bad. I should be able to heal this just buy me sometime ok!" Shouted Virroz

Eos and Steph nod and payed attention to the creature again, they noticed that the vine that was currently burned off grew back again.

"That's a problem" said Steph

"Yeah a huge problem....all we have to do is keep attacking it until it's at low heath and then we take the gem and boom! We win" replied Eos

"Well then let's begin"

Eos and Steph began attacking the creature with multiple attacks and same goes with the creature it was able to launch both Eos and Steph far from and attack making them both hit the concrete wall. With that power Steph and Eos were a bit dizzy from the hit both were spitting out blood but they continued. After while Virroz was able to completely heal Ciecly back to good shape. Ciecly thanked Virroz and both were back in the battle again.

Till this point the creature was slowing down and not attacking as much, so Steph fired 4 arrows at the creature eyes but two missed but the other two was a direct hit. The creature screeching in pain, it creates a huge blast of air around it which made the four fall over. The air was powerful that when Steph hit the ground she lost her breath, but she was able to recover quickly, all four stood up to see the creature. Its eye started oozing blood and a mixture of other fluids with it, but they saw that the creature transformed its eye into a mouth. It had one layer of sharp teeth all around it, and it began to spill some type of liquid all across the battlefield floor. It was purple and a weird stench to it, Ciecly quickly noticed what it was.

"poison....." mumbles Ciecly

"What did you say?!" Shouted Eos

"Poison!! Run don't touch it! Climb up the trees!" Ciecly shouted back

All four quickly started to climb a nearby tree but Steph miss placed her footing and fell. She hits the ground but quickly climbed but again problem was that she just touched the poison with her feet and she felt week, she couldn't move her body as much. The other noticed and helped Steph up the tree.

"F-fuck.... it hu-hurts" stuttered Steph

"Steph stay still don't move to much here I'll give you this potion it should get rid of the poison effect, just let me Eos and Ciecly take care of the problem just stay here" explained Virroz

Steph drinks the potion and waits for the effect to go away. Virroz, Eos, and Ciecly looks over the tree to see the whole floor was flooded with poison. The three split up to find a separate tree, and when they did Virroz, and Eos couldn't find an opening to attack. But Ciecly had a huge opening she took the opportunity she jumped off the tree and leaned on top of the creatures head, Ciecly was quickly about to lose her balance but she struck her staff in the creatures head and hold on to the staff.

The creature started to shake a lot and screeching, it threw two vines at Ciecly, problem was that Ciecly was vulnerable at that time because of her Staff. But Eos was able to cut one of them and Virroz summon hell fire and burned the other vine.

"Ciecly! Grab the gem it right next to you! Pull it out!" Shouted Eos

Ciecly tried to pull it out but to no use, the creature was moving to much she need to find a plan on who to slow it.

"We need to slow it down, it's moving to much! I can't grab the gem!" Shouted back Ciecly to Vi and Eos.

But right before both of them attacked the creature they saw two arrows hitting the creatures lower stem, to which it started to create an ice layer. All of them looked at the direction were the arrows came from and it was Steph.

"Don't just look at me! Kill it! I'm slowing it down with my Ice arrows!" Yelled Steph

Steph continued to shoot more Ice arrows around the creature body, and it worked the creature slowness down and Ciecly had a huge opening to pull the gem out, and she did. Ciecly pulled the gem out completely. The creature stoped moving and began to wither slowly, the poison that flooded the arena started to dissolve and completely disappear. The four friends landed safety back to the floor, and they celebrated. But they were cut off by Okora walking in and congratulating them.

"Congrats on getting the first gem! Ooh before I forget Ciecly can I borrow the compass I gave you?" Said Okora

"Oh sure, here"

Okora activates the compass and adds something to it, she then deactivates it and gives it back to Ciecly.

"What did you do with the compass?" Asked Ciecly

"You'll see once you open it, anyway good luck on getting the other gems! You four have a long adventure ahead of you, and this is only the beginning"

Word count- 1360
Hey y'all I'm back so sorry that this chapter took longer than usual, my WiFi was being trash a couple of days before but it's working now. So yeah....see you all in the flip side! 💚💜

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