avatar gc tingz💕

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zuko: firelordzuko
mai: imbored420
toph: hfbgsj
azula: lightningprincess
ty lee: pinkaura
aang: vegaang
katara: katara.4
sokka: backbend3r
suki: warr1orbitch

pinkaura has added firelordzuko, imbored420, hfbgsi, lightningprincess, vegaang, katara.4, backbend3r, warr1orbitch to avatar gc tingz💕

hfbgsi: mdbfjsodij

firelordzuko: maybe if we all ignore it we'll be fine

imbored420: hey

lightningprincess: which mf made toph an acc 😭
she's blind tf is wrong with yall 😭

pinkaura: hi guys i just missed you all 🥺

lightningprincess: ty lee are u dumb

katara.4: no wonder she joined the kyoshi warriors

lightningprincess: stfu stank ass bitch. u stuck with a 4'2 bald boy gtfo. and your name ugly

katara.4: but who's in a mental hospital??

lightningprincess: i shouldve electrocuted you while i could have

firelordzuko: ty lee literally why would you make this gc

pinkaura: idk i just missed all of us interacting with each other 🥺

vegaang: i'm 4'9 now azula.

lightningprincess: u still short idc idc

imbored420: ty lee i think this was a mistake.


backbend3r: omg deadass why tf u all talk so much wtf is this anyways

firelordzuko: youre only upset bc we're interrupting u getting pegged by suki

warr1orbitch: what ?

firelordzuko: we all know sokka has no power over suki

lightningprincess: powerful women 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

pinkaura: :(

lightningprincess: nobody compares to ty lee though

imbored420: we get it you two have a crush on each other

pinkaura: what? we do not

lightningprincess: wym we do not

pinkaura: no like you dont get what i mean

lightningprincess: then tell me ty lee.

imbored420: anyways.

vegaang: why did nobody add appa or momo to the gc

katara.4: aang they can't rlly text in a gc

vegaang: neither can toph but ty lee still added her !

hfbgsi: jdkjshdj

backbend3r: relax aang. why would momo and appa even have a phone 💀💀

vegaang: 😕

pinkaura: azula no i think youre really pretty and amazing and so powerful

lightningprincess: that i am

warr1orbitch: ngl ty lee but when u talk abt azula to the other kyoshi warriors it do kinda sound like u have a crush on her

lightningprincess: ty lee u talk abt me with the other warriors ?

warr1orbitch: bro she literally wont shut up abt how shes just waiting for u to come back. i have a lot of things against u so i'm all for u staying at the mental hospital

pinkaura has removed warr1orbitch from the group chat.

lightningprincess: you're waiting for me ty lee ?

pinkaura has left the group chat.

lightningprincess: one of u add her back 😭

vegaang: not me cuz u called me short :/

hfbgsi: nbjskhd

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