Story Fun Facts Pt. 1

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Hello! Author here! While new chapters are still in development, here are some facts behind my story: TF2 X Reader: When Two Worlds Meet.

1. (Y/N)'s birds, Maxie, Leon, and Edwin, were named right after my pets that are also cockatiels too.

2. In the story, it was indicated that (Y/N) is a Soldier main. In real life, I'm both a TF2 player and proud Soldier main.

3. Chapter 19 was written to pay tribute to Soldier's VA, Rick May, who sadly passed away due to Covid-19. This chapter was released a week after his passing.

4. Pyro's real name in the story, Aiden, means "Little Fire".

Hope you guys are doing well! I'm still writing a new chapter, so stay tuned, peeps!

(\( -^-^- )/)

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