Story Fun Facts Pt. 2

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Hello guys! Author here! The next chapter is still in development. While we wait, here are some more fun facts about my story, TF2 x Reader: When Two Worlds Meet!

1. In Chapter 44, Cameron broke sixty-eight flasks in frustration when his concoction plans endlessly failed. The number here, 68, refers to the year 1968 when the events of the game, Team Fortress 2, actually took place.

2. In the same chapter, Cameron reminded his assistant about how one of their offense teammates "can't even count to three". This is inspired by a popular joke, "Valve can't count to three", referring to how Valve never creates second sequels to their games.

3. In the BLU team, Scout and Spy are the only ones with headcanon names so far based on its-citrine-beta's Modern TF2 fanart. Scout's name is Jace while Spy's is Vincent.

I hope you guys are doing alright during this difficult time! Stay safe, peeps! ❤️

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