Chapter 14: Xavier's POV

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Copyright 2012 © Elena Sgro

all rights reserved


Xavier's POV

"Why don't you come closer Xavier?" she purred.

I bared my fangs at her and hissed, sending her a message that if she even tried anything sexual with me I wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

"Cut the crap Alria we both know your just playing" hissed my dad.

I look at him intently not believing those word had left his mouth.

My dad wasn't one to cuss at all he was always well spoken ever since I could remember I had never heard a curse word come out of his mouth, that was more my mother, bless her sole but she did have a very short temper which was probably were I got it form.

A shrill laugh echoed through the cell and I glared at Alria. Her laugh was like nails on chalk board and I could believe I had once thought I liked that laugh or anything thing about her at all.



"Come on Xavier move it" hissed Cira.

I rolled my eyes I was so over her attitude. I didn't even want to met this mate of hers I didn\'92t trust him at all.

"Don't get your panties in a twist I'm coming" I growled.

She rolled her eyes at me and started walking ahead into the mansion.

Tonight was the mating ball and those who were mateless would come here in search for their mates. Being royal we had to attend but in a way I was homing to find a mate tonight. I think thats another reason why I was a bit envious of Cira. She had already found her mate while I longed for mine, pined for her and once I had her I wasn't going to let her go.

The servants opened the grand double doors and a pair of trumpets blared as they singled for our arrival.

Cira and I both stopped under the threshold and I held out my arm to her placing a fake smile on my mouth. She linked arms with me and we began walking as civilians moved out of the way for us bowing or curtsying slightly. I nodded to a few civilians but almost stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes caught hers.

Her ice blue eyes capturing me and pulling me to her.

I knew she wasn't my mate because my instincts weren't going off like they were supposed to but there was something about this girl that I felt a slight pull to her.

Cira let go of my arm and whispered something to me but I didn't take it in I was to entranced by the beauty in front of me.

I was left alone watching her. She blushed slightly and tucked a strand of her beautiful blonde hair behind her ear.

I started walking towards her, watching her she bot her lip slightly.

"How come I have never seen you here before" I said softly when I reached her.

She chuckled slightly and it was like music to my ears and I immediately loved the sound.

"I'm from England" she said softly. He accent was thick and sweet making me smile.

"Xavier Blandiana" I said as I held out my hand towards her.

She blushed deeply and put her hand in mine, I bent down slightly and kissed the back of her hand. Her skin soft and smooth to the touch.

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