Earth (Primarily) Intro

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3rd person POV:

In space we see emptiness where everything is quiet until suddenly a wormhole appears and came out is the red Tardis that is heading towards a familiar world where the start of an adventure will begin for the Wanderer. However unknowingly the time lord who is on the ground knock out has gain a cosmic gift beside his time lord regeneration and knowledge but he will discover them soon for he will encounter new beings and new places. But as the Tardis is heading towards Earth a satellite suddenly detected the unknown vehicle which videotaped the Tardis before sending it towards a mysterious space station near earth.

Location: Inside the justice tower

We see the entire original justice league all gather around at a table as Batman is discussing about the rise in criminal "so how bad are we talking about?" Green lantern (Hal from the action movie) ask as Flash smile "it can't be that bad maybe it is a 7% increase" Flash said. "No Barry it far worse as of now we are looking at a 97% global crime increase everywhere" John Jones said shocking nearly everyone minus Batman and Superman who is sadden at this. "But how is that possible?" Hawkgirl ask as Batman click a button showing a live video of many new villains and anti heroes showing all over the world. "Dear Hera! This is worst when we join forces against the Imperium" Wonder Woman said as John sigh "yes but what can we do since there are so few of us" Cyborg said. However before anyone could talk red lights are going off causing everyone to head towards the main computer where it show a live feed of the Tardis which confuses everyone.

"Um is that a red police box heading towards earth?" Barry said as Hal smack his head "ow" Barry said rubbing the back of his head looking at Hal "strange it does look like a police box from the outside but it isn't from earth since it giving off some sort of unknown power source" John said. Batman stare at the box before turning to Superman "can you see if that is a disguise ship" Batman said "yes" Superman before using x ray vision but got immediately surprise "um I don't know how but that police box is not a ship but rather an actual vehicle" Superman said surprising everyone. "How!?" Barry ask "I don't know but from what I saw it is completely not from any knowledge I know of" Superman said while Hal sigh "I already ask the green lanterns council but even they don't know" He said. "I suggest we try to stop that before it can cause a panic or attract villains" Batman said as Superman nod and immediately head out with Hal while the rest of the justice league just use the portal to transport to earth.

Location: Inside the Tardis

Wanderer POV:

I start to wake up from regeneration and look at my hands to see they did alter but not by a lot "must be the side effect of the wormhole" I thought before I widen my eyes and look at the monitor to see I am being heading towards a city. "Oh spark of life" I said before heading towards the console where I start to work on the control before we crash unknowingly about two unknown people flying towards the Tardis.

Diana POV:

Both myself and Hawkgirl is already gone ahead and try help Clark and Hal by standing in front of the city call New York however we both notice that Clark nor Hal wasn't behind the police box which confuses us until we see that they are actually on the sides trying to get it to move. "Clark what going on?" I ask through the comms "we try nearly everything but somehow this is almost impossible to move" Superman said from comms. "Wait you telling me not even Superman can move that?" Barry said from the comms "appears so" John said before he appears behind Superman and try entering the box but instead he slam against the wall surprising Clark, Hal, Hawkgirl and myself. "What?" John said confuses but suddenly we all witnessed that the box start to make a sound before vanishing causing Hal and Clark to slam against each other surprising all of us. "Okay that is different" Hawkgirl said as I agree "what happened?" Batman said appearing in his jet "apparently this is completely different as it is almost impossible to move" Hal said pushing away from Superman. "Can prevent anyone from entering" Hawkgirl continues pointing at John who is confused "and somehow it can vanish like teleportation but it starts to vanish after making a sound" I finishes. Batman blink a few times as he look surprise "okay Martian you return to the watch tower while the rest of us go to the hall since we need to figure out where it went" he said.

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