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They'd reached yet again another dead end if dead ends mean a massive hundred-foot drop of a cliff.

"We can't find any other dead ends, Snips; there are no cliffs this way, Snips," Ahsoka snapped, "well this looks like a dead end and a cliff!"

Anakin pretended not to hear the sniggers that went through the men. "Well, the map states this should be a path, not a cliff!"

Rex approached Anakin, looking at where the man was pointing to on his map. "Sir, try here on the map," he stated, pointing off to the right—locating the cliff, they were stood on.

"So we've been to the right this whole time?!" Anakin screeched.

"Seems so, Skyguy," Ahsoka smiled, "Rex, you seem to know where we are, take the map and lead us out of this maze, we were meant to be on the gunship yesterday."

Anakin huffed as he handed over the map, stepping back to allow the Captain to take charge.

"Alright, we march due west until sunset to make camp, if all goes well, we'll be back in the barracks in no time," Rex ordered as the men all got back to their feet.


"My legs feel like they're going to fall off," Ahsoka grumbled as she ate her rations. "And rations suck."

"You could have hunted one of those beasts we saw not too long ago, sir," Rex pointed out.

"Then we'd have to carry it here," Ahsoka stated, stretching slightly.

"I didn't think you were one to complain to a chance to hunt, sir," Rex commented.

Ahsoka huffed before puffing up at the challenge. She grabbed a small blade from Rex's hand before running off into the forest.

"What's Snips doing?" Anakin asked Rex as he watched Ahsoka disappear into the forest.

"Hunting, sir," Rex answered, "the Commander complained about the rations, and I asked why hasn't she hunted those beasts we ran into a little back."

"You've just set it up so that the others can have meat on top of their rations," Anakin pointed out through slitted eyes.

"The Commander gets what she wants, and it just so happens to be enough meat on those animals for the boys as well. It's a win-win situation, sir," Rex shrugged.

It wasn't long before Ahsoka came back dragging one of the colossal beast, covered in its blood. She sat in front of the fire, skinning the animal before letting Rex deal with the rest.

Rex approached Ahsoka, pulling out a cleaning cloth from a pouch in his belt and giving it to Ahsoka before cutting the beast apart and setting it to cook in the stew he'd started.

"That seemed organised," Anakin stated the statement going through everyone heads.

"You think I carry that much meat each time we have a meat stew?" Rex asked everyone.

"We thought it was pre-made meat stew with how nice it tasted," Fives stated.

"No, Alpha trained us all to cook," Rec stated as he continued to work on the stew, "give Cody fruits and vegetables, and he'll cook you something amazing, Wolffe given meat will leave it almost bloody but amazing, and I seemed to have been the middle ground and worked with both."

Ahsoka came over and sniffed at the meal, her nose wrinkling at the overpowering smell.

"Your's is still over there, sir," Rex stated, pointing to a large chunk of meat away from the fire. "Can you crush up one of the larger bones, sir?"

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