Chapter One

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Earth isn't so bad after you've been on the blue and green planet for a while, when Lucifer was booted from Heaven several Angels left with him because they were such huge supporters of his plan and what not, by now you're probably wondering what do I have to do with this and who I am? Let's just say I'm an offspring of one of those rebellious Angels and a human; Angels can only have children if the person they're matting with is their soulmate; and before you ask no Lucifer is not my father however I am not really related to him either, Archangels and regular Angels are on several different DNA tiers of Heaven if that helps you any. I've had a deep fascination with the man long before he knew that I existed which explains why I showed up to LUX looking for a job. As I approach the front doors where a long line of people waits the security guard, a big burly man, stops me mentioning the line and not being on some list which results in a small argument about granting me access, but after a few minutes I get bored, so I just touch his cheek with my hand which has him reeling allowing me to enter with no more opposition.

I don't really have wings as far as I can tell they've never popped into existence so I have to assume that's the human part of me however I do have several power-ups that could have a few demons and Angels running for their money. My body is in shape and I'm a little curvier than your average model, but I don't let that define who I am; I tuck a dark strand of hair behind my ear which I have the rest tied back in a side ponytail. The club is crowded full of scandalous men and women dancing, making out in places that they shouldn't be, I'm not the virtuous type though my virginity was taken against my will last year after a pretty hardcore party. I said no multiple times the guy persisted I was drugged but I don't need to tell you what happened next, you get the picture I'm not looking for sympathy.

When I enter the large room, I look down over the balcony to find even more humans dancing, drinking and being ridiculous but I still don't see Lucifer; unless he's already gone upstairs for the night with a few willing women, he has that effect on the opposite sex. Descending the stairs I bump into a woman with long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, she turns to scowl at me but doesn't say anything; judging from her attire she's either a cop or some kind of law person which makes it odd to find her here.

"I'm terribly sorry," I say a little loudly, "do you happen to know where I could find Lucifer?"

"Lucifer? As in Lucifer Morningstar?" she asks.

I nod.

"I believe he's in his penthouse," she answers, "do you have business to discuss with him?"

"You could say that," I smile, "thanks Ms. Decker." And I walk away before she realizes that I knew her without any introductions, I hear her calling at my back about how I know her name, but I ignore her heading for the elevator by the bar and jump inside as soon as the doors slide open. As they slide shut with a sharp snap, I realize that I can't just out myself to Lucifer, he'll kill me on the spot or torture me for hours then sentence me to death especially since he has his right hand demon with him, Mazikeen, from what I heard she was a piece of work down under and loves torture almost as much as she loves sex.

Once I realized what I was I began all sorts of research, talking with priests, nuns, and the like to get all the information I could about Lucifer's fall then when the Devil himself surfaced on Earth a few years back gave me the opportunity that I was looking for to get the real scoop on him. So I rounded up several hardcore believers and a few realistic Satanists and normal people who know Lucifer since he grants favors in return of an I.O.U for whenever he feels like cashing out on it. LUX has only existed for about five years or so as far as I can tell, I think this is the longest elevator ride I've ever taken in my life. I drum my fingers against my dark denim pants impatiently as I wait to reach my destination hopefully he isn't busy frolicking in his bed or something that would be an embarrassing thing to see. I highly doubt that it would bother Lucifer so much as the woman or women in his bed with him. After another minute the elevator dings softly opening up to a large airy spaced room, there's a large glass wall opposite me that opens onto a balcony and as I step out I smell fresh alcohol in the air.

"Detective I told you," a voice snarls from my right, "if you're not willing to help me then I could care less about your case!!"

His voice is gravelly with a slight accent, British maybe? I follow the sound of his voice to the right finding him with his back to me, a wall of bourbon towering over him in many different sized shaped bottles. He said Detective, it's more than possible that he's referring to the woman I ran into downstairs but that doesn't explain what his problem is with her.

"I don't know any detectives personally," I respond, "but I wanted to speak with you, so I was pointed in this direction."

"I'm not in the mood to do any favors," he grumbles tilting his head back finishing off his drink, "so please leave me be."

"I'm not here for a favor, Samael," I say with a little hesitation.

"What did you just call me?" he snaps turning around to face me, his eyes widen a little bit, "well hello there."

"Hello yourself," I greet.

"I'm terribly sorry for my behavior darling," he says sincerely, "just a bit of a rough patch."

"With the uh Detective?" I venture.

"No no," he shakes his head, "we're work partners nothing more."

Reaching into my back pocket I pull out a half folded paper with the words DANCER WANTED printed in red on the page with LUX's address on it and hand it over to him, I watch his eyes scan the page a second then his eyes flick up to meet mine again something sparkling in their depths, but not before they access my clothing choices; dark sneakers, a low fronted sleeveless tee and dark denim blue jeans.

"This ad is a bit old darling," he tuts putting it down on the glass island, "however I think I can make an exception," he comes over looking me up and down then his eyes meet mine again and I'm drawn to them like moths to a flame, "what is it you really desire?"

"Uh what?" I ask my head a bit foggy.

"What is it you desire? What do you really want?" he presses our eyes never breaking contact and I giggle, "Mr. Morningstar if you're trying to hypnotize me, you're going to have to do better than that."

I blink rapidly forcing his influence out of my head, that was too close if he'd have tried a little harder, he would have had me for sure.

"How did you?" he starts but I cut him off, "I know who you are but that's a secret for another day, so shall I start tomorrow since the night is almost over?"

"Um yes," I watch him fidget slightly, "Maze will help you with a costume unless you'd like to wear your own clothes?"

"A costume is fine," I purr heading for the elevator, "I like to captivate my audiences you know."

"Wait," he begs closing the space between us, "who are you?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I laugh, "it's a bit rude to hire someone without knowing their name don't you think?"

"Clearly," he breathes, "so come on out with it."

"I'm Andi Ángelos," smiling I also add, "it means Brave Angel."

"Interesting name," he murmurs, "you obviously know me, Lucifer Morningstar." He extends a hand and I take it not wanting to seem rude but when our skin touches it's like someone hits us with an electric current and we jump back slightly.

"Well I'd definitely say you have an electric personality Mr. Morningstar," I state trying to cover up the awkward incident, "I'll be seeing you soon."

The elevator doors open right away as soon as my fingers brush the button and step inside leaving him in his shocked state as the doors close once more.



"Lucifer who is she?" he asks.

"There'll be no more of that for now anyway," he commands, "just rest you pretty little head on my shoulder and we'll be on our way."

I feel his large hands touch my skin just above the towel and I flinch away from it but when he tries to touch me again I hold completely still.

"I'm sorry," she says coming closer, "I didn't realize you had someone over."

Andi Angelos - A Lucifer Morningstar FanificWhere stories live. Discover now