Chapter Two

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As I'm walking back to my apartment, I can't help but stare at the hand that grasped Lucifer's something happened between us, but I can't even begin to decipher what it could mean.

"Very funny Grandpa," I mutter under my breath to the sky, "if this is one of your punishments for me existing it's not funny at all, it's not my fault."

Thunder rumbles in the distance as if to send me a warning unless it's just the LA weather being finicky, the roar of the waves fills my ears as I stroll down the sidewalk, the evening breeze blowing the smell of salt and city in my face; it's not an awful smell but it's not pleasant either unless you're directly on the beach.

"What are you doing?" a male voice shouts to my right, I can't see anything over the dune, so I climb it quickly getting sand in my shoes and socks, "Well ruining your plan it seems," a second voice answers which turns out to be Lucifer, "it was you, brother."

Behind him is a burning blob that almost looks like, my jaw drops when I realize what lies on the ground burning into nothingness; so it was true he cut his own wings off.

"What have you done!" I moan/cry without realizing what I'm doing my feet carry me down the dune slipping in a few spots, both men stare as I approach, "this is no place for a human," the dark-skinned man announces moving his hands into a circle shape; time around us slows to almost a stop but the fire still flickers on eating the white feathers. Shoving Lucifer to the side my hands lay overtop the tarnished objects just above the heated space stopping the flames which turn into burning embers then die away after the Angel stops his powers and everything starts to move at a normal pace again.

"Who are you?" Lucifer and the Angel ask together.

"I told you," I respond a little harsher than necessary, "my name is Andi Ángelos," the dark-skinned man grabs my arm whirling me around his dark eyes are full of anger and fear.

"Lucifer who is she?" he asks.

"I'm not sure brother," he admits, "I just met her tonight, asked for a job and I gave it to her, but she was able to avoid my influence."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I take a deep breath revealing another secret, "Amenadiel."

"This isn't right," he barks squeezing my arm.

"Careful," Lucifer warns, "you're squeezing a little too hard there, you'll bruise the poor girl and her first day is tomorrow night can't have a bruised dancer."

He releases me without another word. "Be gone," he commands without looking at me, "the adults need to have a chat."

"As if," I snarl, "you be gone," I fling my hand out palm open in his direction and Amenadiel goes flying backwards a few feet rolling harshly into the sand, "now why in grandad's name did you do this?" I point to the charred wings in the sand looking Lucifer in the eyes.

"I'm never going back to Hell," he admits in a monotone voice, "I kept them around as a safety net in case I wanted to go back to the life that dear old Dad chose for me," he stops abruptly, "what do you mean grandad?"

Oh shit I didn't mean to use that word in front of him, my eyes flick to his brother who is now getting to his feet brushing the sand from his clothes, he looks over at the Angel chuckling a little bit at the sight then he registers the fear on my face. I attacked one of Heaven's Elite warriors and now I'm going to pay the price for it however Luci steps in front of me blocking Amenadiel's path, I feel my eyes go wide and see the other angel's face whose eyes are filled with confusion and betrayal at this power play his brother is pulling.

"Step away, Lucifer," he commands.

"Brother think this through," Lucifer pleads, "she's really done nothing to villainous untoward right?"

Andi Angelos - A Lucifer Morningstar FanificWhere stories live. Discover now