Blue Night

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I heard that something random is going viral right now, and I want to try something new as well. I am really easy to get bored, who the hell create me like this? No stable interest in anything. Anyway, let's talk about this random things. I know you feel secured in your home or anywhere you stay at while reading this shit. While I am the Mr. Nobody talking to you like I know you in person. But maybe I do, who knows? and who cares?

I have trusted someone. Once. But they betrayed me. Not actually betraying me, but I just easily put my trust on people. That's how I start to get my trust issues. If you can relate, maybe you know all, maybe you know some, maybe you know nothing but yourself.

If you are reading this and you know me in person, you might wondering, what happened to me. To Those who concern about this, I am just telling you that I am fine, but maybe I am dying, I dunno. 

Lately, I kept dreaming about a dream where I die. Not exactly die like dead. But once I had a dream that I visited my late grandfather. He looks like having a good life with all of his friend. It seems like a hospital, yet it is more like a motel. I am not sure. I just wondering around the place, saw my grandfather playing cards with his friend, then he read a magazine. Just that, and I leave the place. Not interesting right? I know, that is why I tell it to you, because I will never know if you yawn.

I will say, congratulation then. I reach this part. I mean, we reach this part. I dunno actually what am I trying to say to you. But, this is just started. Maybe, the next story will be more interesting. I am going to kick the chair now! I hope the rope and my ceiling is strong enough.

See you on the other side.

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