Wriggling Iron

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I saw this male-female couple, laying down on the ground. I don't know what they are talking about. I decide to get closer to the wall fence near them and sit behind it.

The male said, "You know that I love you?"

They seems relaxed as they gazed to the bright sky.

"Um um" The female nods as she agree.

The male said, "I want to live forever with you"

"until the day death pull us apart" She said as she look at him with a smile.

The bird chirping and fly from trees.

"You see? They are free! They can fly whenever and wherever they want" said the female.

The male is taking a deep breath. "We are also free, Yuka." This is the part where I know their name.

"I love you, Kuro" Yuka kiss Kuro's cheek.

Both of them seems relief, they gazed at the sky once again. I got curious as I look above as well.

But I see nothing, but a bright sky, some cloud and sun shining right from the top. It feels like the sun is currently sit on a VIP seat just to watch over the earth. My city accurately.

I return my view to the couple. They are looking at each other and laugh. They seems very cute.

"Yuka, what will you name our child?" Asked Kuro

"I dunno, maybe Yuuki?" Yuka look at Kuro as she seems like asking for confirmation.

Kuro seems like thinking. Suddenly, a deer that they don't realize eating near them, run away from them.

"What about Rusa?" said Kuro.

"Seriously? Just because a Deer?" Yuka laugh a little.

"Silly Kuro" Yuka continue and hit Kuro's chest a little. Now, Yuka's right hand is on Kuro's chest. Kuro reach Yuka's hand.

"You know Yuka? I love you so much." He said.

"I love you too" Yuka said as her voice trembling, tear drop down from every tip of her eyes.

"Are you ready Yuka?" Kuro asked.

Yuka mumbling in her cry.

"it is okay, we can take it easy, just hold my hand. Okay?" Kuro voice persuade Yuka to stop crying.

Yuka hold Kuro's hand tightly. They feel the wind blowing.

"It feels good isn't it?" Kuro said.

"Um um, it does" Yuka said with a little giggle.

"I think, my mom will never know" She continue.

"It is okay." Kuro pat her head.

"Will start it over, and eventually your parents will meet you again." He continue.

"But, what about the child?" Yuka seems concern.

"The babies will be happy" Kuro smile to Yuka, melting her concern face.

"Here you go, can you feel it?" said Kuro

"Yeah, the Iron is wriggling." said Yuka along with a little giggle.

"Silly Yuka, it's vibrating" said Kuro patting Yuka's head.

I head some noise, a very familiar one. The wind slowly getting away from the sound source.

The noise is getting closer. I almost recognize what it is.

"HOLD MY HAND" Kuro scream because the noise is deafening.

Suddenly, the wind blowing really hard along with the noise.

Before a realize, I heard some other noise that make stand up and leave the place.

I walk slowly dragging my body away from that place. I try to forget everything as I enjoy the breeze from the train.

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