Last second

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The days were heavy. That is the best way to describe the past few days. He cannot accept it anymore. As he stands straight, he tries to recall all the events that had happened.

One morning on a weekend, he goes barbequing in front of his house. His wife and daughter are waiting for the barbecue to be ready.

"Hon", his wife hug him from behind.

"Um, baby, what's wrong?" He said as he turning around all the meat and barbecues.

"I am hungry, and our baby wants it to" His wife place her chin on his shoulder.

He rubs his wife's head with his left-hand white the right-hand busy cooking.

"Can you get us some beer?" he requested to his wife.

His wife complies with a nod and heads to the kitchen.

"daddy! look, a frog!" Shout his daughter.

"Hey, careful sunshine. don't go near the road, okay?!" He doesn't bother to look at his daughter and keep focusing on the grill.

"Frog, wait up!" He notices that his daughter's voice is getting farther.

The next second will be the most thing he remembered. The moment when his wife runs from the front door quickly. He sees the beer fall from his wife's hands in slow motion. A screeching wheel comes from left to right as an SUV screeching in a slippery asphalt. Before he realizes, his wife hugs their daughter as the SUV crash into them. He even remembered in HD how their body flew to the air, hitting some fences. He can even count the fences broken by his wife's body. Some of it even pass through her body.  As their body flew, the SUV hasn't stopped screeching. His wife cannot hold their daughter any longer as the SUV front-wheel push their daughter against the asphalt breaking every flesh she has.

It feels tragic. He feels the guilt lurking around him as he steps closer to the edge. He looks down from the 30th-floor rooftops. Then he remembers the funeral of his family. No one says a thing for him, no one sympathizing with his loss, the only person who talked to him is his wife's parents.

"You murder!" her mom said as she is trying to hit him but her dad stop her.

He still regretting everything. But, his leg steps forward. His body feels light as it dropped to the ground.

Nothing he worried as the gravity pull him closer as if it misses him.

Adrenaline rushing to his head, give him some kind of euphoria.

At least, that is the last thing he remembered at the last second.

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