Chapter One

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°°Hey guys, this is my first story I hope you enjoy it!°°

I peer out of my cage, looking to see if Fang is here to save me. I stick my finger out the the dog crate hoping to be greated by the flock, Instead my hand was smash by a white coat. I'm pulled out of my small dog cage I was being stored in. I struged against the white coat, and hear a clash comming from the other room. I turn and kick the tall scientist in the chest making him fly backwards. I don't have a plan.

"Jade! Jade!" I hear multiple voices calling my name, I try to extend my wings, and scream out in pain. I glance up and feel someone by my side. "Can you fly, we need to get out of here!?" says a deep voice I could recognize a mile away. Fang.

"I can't It hur-" and then he swept up from behind me pick me up and flew out the window with the others.

*Time change*

I was set down by Fang onto the couch, as he collapsed in to thr chair beside it out of exhaustion. I eventually fell asleep after thinking about what just happened. Im home. After 3 months in the school and Im home.

"Jadddeee" I flip over ignoring my sweet Angel. She jumps up on me as her beautiful golden hair bounced and gets me up.I wipe my mouth, noticing Fang was still in the chair watching me. What was that smell?

"Iggy Made some Red velvet cake for you." I look at Fang, His sliver eyes look worried under is over grown jet back hair,He sees I'm staring at him and turns he head.

I get up But only to fall to the floor. My head is pounding. "Jade!" Max yells at me, only making my head hurt worse. Iggy is at my side rubbing my back, well i think its Ig, my hand are over my face pushing into my trying to stop the pain. "ibu-prof-fen" Max runes into the bathroom and comes out with about 6 Pills, I take them all, dry. "What where you saying about cake?"

Gazzy steps infrount of me and studys me with his sea blue eyes. He runs his small slender fingers though his bleach blonde hair. And  hands me a pate, covered in a huge piece of red cake.

He was very quite, watching me rest. His olive skin was darker than I remember. "Fang?" Alook of worries drop from his face like a bomb and it turns into... hope, his eyes sparkle under his long bangs."Yes?" He looks at me, and instead of looking away we keep a steady gaze.

"Where is everyone?" I ask as I look into the window, small white specks filled the night skys. "Asleep, Just you and me are awake now" He says and blushes.

I get off the dark red love seat and Put the plates that had been on the table into the sink with countless other dishes, that no one had bothered to clean. I go to the bathroom thinking about Fang, and brush my birdnest for hair. I look at myself in the mirror, my black hair,long down to my chest. My dark blue eyes stare into the mirror at my pale skin. I shiver. peeling off my clothes I jump into the shower. The warm water felt amazing on my body.

I get out of the shower and fell great, well better than I have, In a very long time. I think about Fang and how he stayed with me all day. My thoughts are scrambled and all I can think about is him and how he saved me.

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