⚡️ Meet the Previous Team Interviews: #3 ⚡️

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Hello fellow writers & readers alike!

Enjoy this Team Interview of a previous member (2020) we have prepared for you all! 🦋

Interviewer: El (footnoteofhappiness )
Team Interviews: #3

📌 Questions:

1. What do you love about literature?

When I read, I can always imagine the world of the book/work very vividly and that's my favourite part about it, the fact that I can immerse myself into it and take myself to an imaginary place.

2. Who is your favourite author?

Off Wattpad - Alexandre Dumas
On Wattpad - Katarina E. Tonks

3. Which book is your favourite & why?

Off Wattpad - The Count Of Monte Cristo

I read a smaller version of it when I was about 9 or 10 and it was the first "grown up book" that I read and that book is what got me interested in writing.

On Wattpad - Death is My BFF series.

It is very well written & is just a very fun and interesting series that's very captivating from the get-go.

4. When did you join Wattpad?

Two years ago.

5. Have you written anything? If so, which one is your favourite?

I've started writing a few books, haven't gotten around to completing them yet though.

It would have to be a series that I'm working on. I don't have a name for it yet either.

6. How did you discover the Happy Writers Community?

Through the account footnoteofhappiness .

7. Why did you choose to join this community?

Just want to help my fellow writers out anyway I can.

8. What role do you do within our community?

I am Deputy Head of the Gleeful Plot Generators.

9. What do you love about your role?

I tend to be a bit lazy when it comes to following through with a storyline but I can make up the plots fairly easily.

I also know some people are the opposite, so it makes me happy to think that I might be able to help them out instead.

10. And lastly, what do you hope to bring to our community and fellow members?

At the end of the day, I just hope I can help someone else out.


Thank you for taking the time out to be interviewed.

I appreciate it.

- 💎 El (footnoteofhappiness )

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