Prom Night

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3 weeks later (prom night)

Piper, Leo, Darryl, Coop, Paige and Henry are all standing in the kitchen while Phoebe and Sheila are up with Rose helping her get ready and Chris is in his own room
"Can ya believe your baby is going to her senior prom Darryl?" Leo asks
"Hell no, it feels like just yesterday we were adopting her" he responds
Piper laughs "yeah and future Chris was making sure that happens" she makes air quotes when she says "future Chris" "maybe this is why he wanted to keep her around" she pounders
"Love works in mysterious ways" Coop replies, they all look at him curious what he knows
"Love, you think they love each other?" Paige asks
"Well she likes someone" Piper says
Darryl looks at her surprised "huh, how do you know this?"
"Because a couple months ago Wyatt asked her out and she said no, she likes someone else, and she was waiting for him to ask her to prom, according to Chris" Piper explains
"How do we know Chris isn't the guy?" Paige asks
"He made it sound like that wasn't a possibility, they're going as just friends" Piper answers
Phoebe and Sheila walk in on this
"I don't know about that" Phoebe pipes
"What do you mean" Paige asks
"That girl is full of nerves" both Sheila and Phoebe answer
Phoebe continues, "you don't have to be an empath to tell she is all jittery about tonight, and why would you be that nervous if you're just going with a friend"
"Did you know our daughter liked someone" Darryl asks his wife
She nods her head, "yeah we talk, she asked me not to say anything, it wasn't a big deal" she shrugs her shoulders
"Did she say who?" Leo asks
"No, but i think i can take a guess after tonight, plus at how excited she was when she told me he asked her to prom"
"So why are they just going as friends then?" Henry pipes in
"Because they're nervous teenagers and this is their first "love" and they don't want to ruin their friendship" Coop answers
"Okay Cupid being all love knowing" Phoebe lightly smack her husband on the chest
"Where is everybody" they hear Chris yell from the bottom of the stairs
"Oh it's time" Piper gets excited and everyone goes out to meet him
"Looking sharp Chris" Coop whistles
Darryl looks all sternly at him "okay now if you do anything to hurt my baby girl, just remember i'm a cop and i know where you live"
"Darryl, come on honey go easy" Sheila pulls him away "you look very nice Chris"
"Thank you, and i promise i want this night to go perfect for Rose and wont do anything to hurt her" Chris looks up at Darryl
"What's everyone doing?" Wyatt walks into the room now
"Oh you're home early" Piper says to her son
"Yeah my project group got done early" Wyatt answers, he sees his little brother in a tux "oh that's right, prom night" he seems just a tad bitter "you look good bro" he says
"Thanks" Chris nods, feeling slightly uncomfortable
Wyatt leaves to the kitchen to get food
"Okay, everybody ready" they hear Rose yell from upstairs
"Yes sweetie, camera ready to go" Sheila yells up to her daughter
Rose slowly walks down the stairs to the first platform. She's wearing a high collared black dress that is from fitting til it flows down past the thighs, and a very low open back. Her purple hair is pinned back into curls with some loose tandlres falling around in places
Chris is wide eyed as he walks up the stairs to meet her "oh. My. God. You look so beautiful" he looks down at her in amazement taking her hand to help her down the rest of the stairs
She blushes and looks away slightly "thank you... you don't look to bad yourself" she kinda smirks up at him. Even in heels he's still a few inches taller then her
"You guys look so good.. especially together" Phoebe winks at them
They both look shocked and embarrassed by her comment.
Everyone finishes taking pictures and giving their love and comments as the two walk outside and to Chris's car.

They arrive at prom and it seems most people are already there, everyone is mingling, some are on the dance floor, others at their tables waiting for dinner. They spot the rest of their friends and make their way over.

Dinner was delicious and now everyone is ready to hit the dance floor
"You wanna dance?" Chris asks Rose, not sure what to do
"Sure" she takes his hand and he leads her out to where everyone is dancing
They start out really awkward, not really sure how to dance with each other, but after a few songs Rose calms down and just wants to have fun and enjoy her night. Chris admires her energy she's giving off and watches her as she lets herself go and moves to the music. He eventually calms down too and gains confidence as he grabs her waist when her back is to him and pulls her body to his. It shocks her at first, but she doesn't skip a beat and continues to dance against him, she smiles to herself, and leans up against happy with how her night is turning out. After a few more songs, a slow one comes on. Rose turns to face Chris and now they are both awkward and nervous again. He puts his arms around her waist again and she follows with hers around his neck. She leans in and lays her head on his shoulder, with her face into his neck. She's never felt more comfortable she thinks
"Hey Rose" he whispers into her ear, trying not to startle her
"Can i tell you something"
She looks up at him "of course"
They keep dancing as he gives his confession "when i first asked you to prom.... it wasn't as friends" they stop swaying but before Rose can say anything back someone starts to make an announcement
"Hello seniors and juniors, i hope you all are enjoying your prom night" one of the teachers is saying into the mic, you can see the prom nominees standing behind him on either side "it is that time of the night to announce our prom king and queen" everyone claps at this. "For prom king..." there is a drum roll as he opens the ballet "Brad Fernly!" Everyone cheers as Brad walk forward, they place the crown on his head and he gives a bow, waves at everyone and yells thank you a few times. "Okay and our prom queen..." again a drum roll, all the girls look anxious hoping it's them ".. oh wow, we have a write in" the girls in the back look shocked and you can hear a few gasps "our prom queen is Rose Morris!" The teacher yells and everyone claps and smiles at Rose who stands there shocked.
She looks back at Chris who has a huge grin on his face, "what did you do?" She leans in closer "did you do magic or something?" She whispers to him
"No! No, I'm just happy everyone sees what i see now! I let people know that i was writing your name in though, they must of agreed" he smiles and hugs her. "Now go up and get your crown" he gives her a slight shove to the stage
Rose slowly and shyly walks up the stage, still in shock. The teacher puts the crown on her head.
"Everyone your prom king and queen!" The teacher announces and everyone cheers. "Now for the royal dance" the lights are dimmed and a spot light is set in the middle of the floor.
Brad holds out his hand for Rose and walks her to the floor, they gently put their arms around each other. "Congratulations Rose, I'm happy you got the votes" he smiles down at her as the sway together.
"Thanks Brad, congratulations to you too."
They dance there without speaking for awhile until Brad breaks the silence "so Rose, i was wondering.. if i could take you out sometime?" He looks down at her hopeful.
Her eyes go wide. She looks behind his shoulder and sees Chris standing a little ways off smiling at her, he gives her a thumbs up, if only he heard what Brad just asked. She then gets the courage to finally do what shes been dying to. She looks back up at brad "I'm sorry, but there's someone else"
"Oh, okay, yeah i kinda figured" he takes her no with grace and she appreciates that.
"I'm sorry there's something i have to do" she leaves Brad in the middle of the floor and quickly walks over to Chris. "You were the guy, you always have been" she says to him.
Chris looks confused at first "huh?"
She doesn't say anything else, she grabs his face and pulls it down to hers, crashing their mouths together in a kiss. She pulls away and he looks down at her with surprise before leaning down and kissing her again. He wraps his arms around her tightly never wanting to let her go. His tongue slips into her mouth and she welcomes it happily. He pulls away slightly, resting his forehead on hers "fuck i love you so much Rose"
she beams up at him "i love you to". They continue to kiss for a little, forgetting they're in a room full of people.
"You want to get out of here for a bit" he looks down at her, hoping she understands what he means
Without thinking she responds "yes" too excited
They walk out of the ballroom, "where too?" He asks
"My parents are gonna be at your house til late, we can go to my place?"
Chris looks for an empty space where no one will see them
"Where are we going?" Rose is confused
Chris wraps his arms around Rose and orbs them to her house. They show up in her bedroom.
"Let me just quick double check" she leaves the room and goes down the hall. She returns "yep, they're car is still gone"
Chris lightly smiles down at her before gently brining his mouth to hers and begins kissing her softly. The kiss doesn't take long to gain heat and passion. Rose pushes his jacket off his shoulders and down his arms letting it drop on the floor. She starts to work on his bow tie as she feels his hands on her back, he finds the tie to her dress as she throws the bow tie to the floor and works on his shirt buttons. She feels him loosen the strings of her dress and he starts unzipping the lower part of it now, she can feel his fingers running down her butt as he does so. She also has started working on his pants. They break they're kiss for the first time as he helps push his pants down and steps out, he is now only in his boxer briefs and socks. She stares at him in awe. He steps toward her and slowly glides her dress down her shoulders and arms, exposing her breast, he doesn't stop until the dress pools at her feet. She is completely naked under her dress and he cant take his eyes off her.
"You're beautiful" he looks her up and down in the most loving way.
She eyes him "i think this is a little unfair she waves her arms up and down her body and then points to his briefs. She smirks at him.
He sticks his tongue out at her before he lowers his underwear. "Better?" He smirks
"Ha, ha" and then she remembers "any chance you have a condom?" She looks away and blushes
"Will you be disgusted if i do?"
She looks up at him and laughs slightly "i guess not since I'm asking"
"Okay cool" he reaches down to his pants and pulls one out of his wallet and holds up to show her. He walks over to her and brings his mouth back to hers, he quickly slides his tongue in her mouth and she eagerly accepts it. He moves his mouth down her neck and she moans. He slowly continues his way down and makes his way to her breast, he lightly teases it with his tongue before nipping at it with his teeth, she squirms and he bites even harder while twisting the other with his fingers, she moans out a "fuck" and he smirks. He lowers his hand down her stomach, past her belly button and straight to her clit "shit yes" she breaths out. He lowers his fingers rubbing in between her lips. He brings his mouth back up to her neck and whispers in her ear "fuck you're soaking" he smirks and goes back to nipping at her neck, she leans her head back giving him better access. She reaches down and grabs his very erect cock. "Fuck, i need to be inside you now" he moans. He leads her to the bed and gently pushes her down on the bed smirking. He grabs the condom and slides it onto his hard dick. He lowers himself down on top of her, he gives her a long kiss, "you good?" He checks
She nods "yes, now please" she wraps her legs around his and he slowly slides into her. She winces at the slight pain it causes.
"You okay?" He freezes before continuing
"Yeah, I'm good, keep going" she encourages him.
He continues before he is fully in her. He gives her a look making sure she's fine, she kisses him letting him know to continue. He continues to slowly pump in and out of her. After a minute or so the pain reduces and Rose moans in pleasure again. He takes this as a sign and starts to pump faster. "Fuck you feel so good" he moans into her neck. She wraps her legs around his waist encouraging him and whimpers at how good it feels, she runs her nails down his back.
He eventually cums and slowly pulls out of her, but instead of laying down next to her, he lowers himself again and starts kissing her, he moves down over her breast and stomach and down in between her thighs. He licks up her center and then using the tip of his tongue to stimulate her clit. She moans and slides her fingers through his hair, griping it when he slides a finger into her. Her moans start to get louder and more frequent and her breathing gets heavier, she arch's her back off the bed and her body is hot as she reaches her high, she screams out his name "Chris, fuck yes". Her breathing slows as she comes down and Chris starts to kiss back up her body again before reaching her mouth. He lays down next to her and lightly runs his fingers up and down her arm, smiling at her. She smiles back him.
They hear the front door and then her parents voices.
"Shit! My parents!" She whisper yells and jumps up. They quickly get dressed and Chris orbs them back to the prom. They laugh when they get back happy they made it back before her parents found out.
Once calmed down they stare into each others eyes, not knowing what to say. He notices a loose strand of her hair and puts it back in place. She looks perfect, even a little rumpled up.
"Rose there you are!" Tennley shocks them out of their trance. "Where have you been?"
Rose panics, not sure how to explain.
"We went outside, needed some fresh air, it's hot in there with all those moving bodies" Chris shrugs.
"Yeah tell me about it" Tennley doesn't even question it. "So are you ready to go?" She looks at Rose.
Rose almost forgot that she was sleeping over with her girlfriends tonight. "Right! Yes, let me get my stuff" they walk back over to the table and Rose grabs her purse. "I guess this is where I leave" she smiles up at Chris "I had fun" she winks
He smirks "yeah"
She stands on her toes and kisses him on the cheek "I'll see you tomorrow, bye"
"Bye" he waves and winks at her as she leaves

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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