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Arias pov

"Well i see yall have gotten comforable"I hear my sister yell

I pop up off the futon.

"We were watching a movie last night...guess we fell asleep"I say

Noah wakes up shortly after.

"Are you going to school today?"Alexis asks

"Ofc not"I say and walk to my room

"Ok well im running to dunkin to gets us all sum to eat and ill be back..meanwhile beck put a shirt on and stop flirting with my sister"she jokes

"Hey can i help"Noah asks and walks in my room

"Yea"I say

He grabs a box and opens in.

Then he starts to hang up my clothes

"How far along are you"He asks

"Around 2 months"I say

"I bet youll be a great mom"He says

"I hope"I say and start to unpack more

"What about you noah..what do you do."I say

"what do you mean"He says and laughs

"Like any girl or sports..job..like anything"i say

"Im single..i play collage soccer and I work at this kids soccer team thing..i couch them"he says

"Why are you single?"i ask

"I dont know i havent found the girl..i dont date for fun..i want something serious"he says

"Damn"i say

"My life isnt near as interesting as yours"He says

"Being pregnant at 17 isnt ideal but ill make it work"I say

"Im here with some coffee"alexis says

"I cant drink coffee"I say

"Why not"She says

"Alexis are you dumb pregnant women cant have coffee its bad for the baby"Noah says

"Oh shit well um..."she says

Noah walks out of the room.

"Here"he says and hands me a water

"Ok well we need to go bc i callled and made you an appointment and they said they could get you in today if we got there early so lets go"Alexis says

"Heres the spare key..i dont know if ill be here when yall get back"Noah says and hands me the key.

I walk out the door and get in my sisters car.

"Whats been going on at home since last nights blow out"i say

"Mom is pissed and so is dad and they told me you better get the rest on your shit out by this weekend or they are selling it"she says

"Why didnt you tell me that earlier"I say

"Bc you dont need to worry about it Noah My boyfriend and Jax are going to get your shit right now"she says

"You and Jace are back together"i ask

"yea"she says

we pull up to the place and i walk in

"Mrs.Martin"the nurse says

"yes"i say and stand up

"Right back here"she says

"Ok first we are gonna draw blood just to verify your pregnant"she says

"Oh ok"i say and she draws my blood

"Ok ill go get that testsed and they doctor and the results should be in about 5 min"she says

"ok thank you"i say

"Hey ok nice to meet you im doctor kinzie"she says

"Hi im Aria"I say

"Ok so you are actually about 3 months pregnant"she says

"Oh ok"i say

"So basically next appointment youll be able to find out the gender if you so pls but we are gonna do you ultra sound and send you on your way"she says

She put the gel on my stomach and she start to show me.

I started to tear up.

Thats my baby in there.

Its crazy to me that just yesterday i was so upset..but ik now that im not upset that im having a baby im upset how other people treated me bc i am having a baby.

"Baby look great..would you like us to get your ultra sound pictures?"the nurse asks

"Yes"i say still emotional

"Ok your next appointment is in three weeks and here are your pictures and you are all good to go"she says

"Are you excited now"my sister asks after we get to the car

"Yea i just feel that everything happens for a reason"I say

I walk into the apartment and unlock the door.

"Hey i have to go bc mom will be pissed if she finds out i was with you..i love you and ill see you in a few days ok?"she says

"Ok bye"i say

30 minutes later noah and the boys bring in the rest of my stuff.

"wow your mom is a mega bitch"Jax says

"Hey come on"Noah says and punches jax

"Hey we gotta go..by lover boy"Jax and jace walk out

"Hey i grabbed this for you.I put it in my pocket so it wouldnt get smashed or anything"he says and hands me the pregnacy test.

"Thanks i was in such a rush i forgot it"i say

"How did the doctors apointment go"he asks

"good"I say and hand him the ultra sound pics

"I got these im 3 months"i say

"Aww how cute"he says

"You dont have to say that i dont really get it either"i say

"wanna watch another movie"he asks

"yea but can we watch it in a different room..my back hurt when i woke up"i say

"yea lets go to my bed its a king"he says

i walk into his room and his bed is so tall.

i try to jump up but i cant

"Hey alittle help here"i say he picks me up and sets me on the bed

"what movie shall we watch"he asks

"I dont know"i say

he pics a radom movie.

i cuddle up next to him

I did it on purpose this time

I just need some effection rn

In this together//Noah Beck Where stories live. Discover now