No.1 Party Anthem

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|Friday Night|

{Gerard's POV}
"A deals, a deal, Gerard."

Fuck off

"Mikey, I'm not in the mood."

"Gerard you know I'm not going to accept that, now get your lazy ass up."

"Mikey, have you ever thought that maybe, I shouldn't go? That maybe I don't want to?"

Mikey stood at the end of my bed, his hands gripping the bedding. "We're leaving in twenty minutes. Whether you want to or not."

"Mikey I'm not-"

"Twenty minutes, Gerard."

{3rd Person POV}
You could hear the music blaring through the halls of the rundown apartment building.

Future alcoholics tripping through the hallways, while trying to steady themselves against the walls.

Gerard knew he shouldn't be here.

As soon as they stepped into the crammed apartment, an undeniable stench filled the air.


Gerard could see it now. The rage and disappointment in their mothers eyes, as she scolds them.

But then again, Gerard didn't really care. He was already too hung up on how he would be able to ditch without his brother noticing.

No matter how many times Gerard has taken Mikey for a fool, he could never deny his hawk eyes and manipulation skills. (Although convincing Gerard to do something was never a big challenge.)

"I'm going to get us some drinks, you stay right here. Move, and I will not hesitate to kill you."

Gerard rolled his eyes, empty threats really.

Then Mikey disappeared into the crowd of people, well more like devoured.

Gerard stood still, leaning on to the wall next to him, almost trying to push away the awkward feeling of standing alone.

He remembered reading about this, about how he must get used to the feeling of being alone, so loneliness won't become so much of a stranger.

Though no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he could be that kind of person, he just wasn't.

He kinda despised that.


Mikey never returned, and Gerard seemed to loathe him for that. He didn't know anyone at this party, and the whole apartment is now a flesh fest.

He felt like this could be one of those shitty rom-com teen movies. Except in the movie he wouldn't be some weirdo with issues. He would be one of the prettiest girls at school, the most adored, and the most envied. He then would proceed to sigh heavily, set down his drink and leave. Only on the next school day, tell everyone what a shit stain the whole party was, and they would believe him.

Gerard hated that, also.

He hated this stupid party, he hated his brother (In a way), he hated therapy, and Dr. Iero, and his stuck up son. He hated the smell of this apartment, he hated this apartment.

He hated all of it.

And although Gerard knew that hating things never made you an interesting person, that in fact your interests did, he soon started to feel that his interests became what he hated, and so now he was definitely making excuses for himself.

By now though, Gerard had removed himself from the wall, and slowly started pushing himself through the crowd of people, towards the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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